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Mentally Advanced Series: Episode -6

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Sebastian Weinberg

It's amazing how a throwaway line in the original episode about Spike being in Canterlot on "royal business" suddenly becomes horribly sinister and foreboding, when viewed through the lens of your series' universe. What once was a cheap cop-out to get Spike out of the way of the girls' sleepover, now becomes the very reason for the sleepover to take place.  Ingenious! I didn't say this in my comment on the early release, because I was too distracted by Applejack sticking her face into shards of glass, but the quality of the episodes since your adoption of Flash is just amazing.  All the initial work that went into creating the puppets gave a huge boost to the speed of production on the episode itself, and it shows!  You're adding so many more key frames, even while your output, as measured in seconds of animation per day, has increased. I hope you can keep up the pace - don't burn yourself out!