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Media Today is Not So Progressive

Here's a link to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DawnSomewhere And here's our website: http://www.dawnsomewhere.com/ Based on some reactions to my summary of "Black Panther", you'd think it was one of the more controversial opinions I've had. It's a movie that brings up delicate issues without going deeply into them, and I think that's intentional because the movie is only responding to attitudes on Twitter and Facebook today, exploiting them for the valuable marketing. Is a story really "progressive" just because it has "representation"? Does it really deserve points for off-handedly mentioning a contentious attitude or social issue? Often, a true work of art never betrays the skill and effort that goes into it. You won't be sitting in your chair wondering what the movie's message is if the message has been seamlessly integrated, but more and more the media, especially social media, demands "awareness". It wants its messages to be blatant, obtrusive, and to go no further than the concept of "awareness", because an actual in-depth look at problems in the world today makes it a lot harder to figure out who the bad guys are and how to stop them, and that just doesn't feel as good.