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I'm getting started on the basic materials we'll need to animate NAS. Base pony concept is done, the script has gotten a revision and on its way to a third draft. I've got both a theme song prepared, and also a short song to replace the exposition about taxes!

Attached to this post, you'll find the instrumentals for the musical pieces as well as the concept turn-around for the base pony rig. The drawn concepts will get some minor tweaks around the faces on their way to completion. You may notice from the instrumentals that dissonance is a bit of a theme, here. After all, we'll be opening our first scene inside a dark, jagged, cold fortress, before a mystical table that can view the entire world and detect the most minute suffering from thousands of miles away. Stewarding over this unspeakable power is a pudgy little horse.

Apologies   for my negativity  to those still enamored with the proper show. You shouldn't take me too seriously; after all, I've spent quite a few years now thinking about these characters and how to work with them in the context of the early seasons, and I've been watching the chasm between past and current times widening further and further like a yawning beast. I couldn't reconcile MAS with modern MLP, and it was killing my inspiration and motivation to do the parodies.

That said, part of moving forward is letting go, and it's easy to see the show today is quite silly. Back in the day, a lot of us really got swept away by reading way further into things than perhaps the writers ever intended, and as a way for adults to enjoy this cartoon, that still hasn't changed. It takes an adjustment of lenses, and you may have to begin thinking in terms of unreliable narrators. It's too late to go back, but a friend of mine used to say, "the only two positions anyone remembers is first place and the guy who crashed in a horrific accident", so if we can't be winning, we can definitely slam the pedal and go for the thematic alternative.

I'm having fun so far and looking forward to the work to come! I've squared away a fair amount of technical knowhow, improved my drawing and animation skill, and know a lot of practical things to add to the rigs for solid quality of life upgrades. If this lives up to how I'm envisioning it, we ought to blow MAS completely out of water by comparison.




"we ought to blow MAS completely out of the water by comparison." well for me at least, more Greg writing trumps better animation any day.


I mean all of it. Animation needs to improve if you want more going on in a scene. The rigs are only good for a pre-designed set of motions, so doing more interesting scenes and set-ups requires some traditional animation.