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The Domi Ramblings are BAAACCCKKKKK!!!! It was quite fun to sit down and think about my feelings on s3 because it made me realize just how well thought out this season is, and how much I appreciate that. So even though this video is a chaotic mess (as usual), hope you have fun just hanging with me and talking about this awesome show for a bit :)

Helpful time stamps as always...

00:00 - General Thoughts

18:28 - Character Arcs

45:15 - Relationships

1:02:50 - "Season 4 Predictions" // Overall Wishes


ANGEL SEASON 3 THOUGHTS (Discussion & Predictions)

TIME STAMPS: 00:00 - General Thoughts 18:28 - Character Arcs 45:15 - Relationships 1:02:50 - "Season 4 Predictions" // Overall Wishes


Ron Fehr

To me, it seemed like the Fred/Gunn romance was kind of sudden, as it seemed like all she needed was him telling her that she's pretty to get her together with him. Whereas you could kind of see Wes's feelings for her grow over time. And that was what got me shipping Fred and Wes. I guess it was that that made it hard for me to tolerate Fred and Gunn together. Rewatching it with you has loosen my objection to them. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer Fred and Wes.

Teresa Schultz

Holtz is a really sympathetic villain. But once he takes Angel’s son to a hell dimension, he has gotten his revenge. He stole Connor’s childhood and all of the memories that Angel could have had with his one and only son. Even though Holtz sees Connor being happy with Angel, his desire for vengeance is so strong that he would rather ruin any chance for Connor to have a happy life/future than to let it go for the sake of the child he says he loves. Once he does that, I have no more sympathy for him! If he really loved Connor, he would want him to be happy, and not to suffer.