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Domi do not defend Mr. Bad Lawyer Guy. Don't do it. Don't even try it. Domi stop this!!!

PS: Day 6 of the reacting streak... ;)


Angel 1x21 - The One Where I Wanna Hug Mr. Bad Guy (AKA Blind Date) .mp4

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I feel like Angel's difference in attitude this episode is tied into his comments about how powerful W&H are, how they have all this power and no conscience. He came to a bit of a realization that in order to stand any chance against them he has to get a bit of his Angelus on and not care himself. The poking fun at Lindsay with the snoring is a very Angelus thing to do and is his way of saying "I don't trust you, I don't care about you, and I'm not about to give you and your lawyer pals any slack from now on, even if for the time being you're useful." There's every chance I'm way off base but just my interpretation.


Other people have said some version of most of this, but I just love this episode and talking about this episode so I'm gonna post this anyway. We've seen Lindsey enable evil without hesitation or remorse since the pilot, when he made preparations for Russell to murder Cordelia. The line he won't cross is killing children, which is a line most despicable human beings aren't willing to cross. It doesn't really say much about his moral character that he wasn't willing to do that. Angel isn't in on all these details when he initially dismisses Lindsey, but he knows the kind of evil W&H perpetrates and doesn't get any sign of actual regret for past wrongdoing from Lindsey, just fear of repercussions and... excuses. Yes, poverty may be what motivated him psychologically, but he talks about it like that is a justifiable reason to do evil. The fact that he has a whole explanation for it ready to go, even if it's completely true, is a red flag. Faith had a similar background and occasionally used it as an excuse, but I imagine if she did so to Angel he would also say "boo hoo, that's not a good reason to kill people." I mean, not having a soul is the ultimate excuse, and yet Angel still feels responsible for the actions of Angelus. And if Holland Manner's evaluation of Lindsey's character is all true (which, to be fair, who knows), then Lindsey's disillusionment with W&H started as boredom, which Holland immediately redirected into being about morals when he challenged him to kill children, possibly as a ploy to indoctrinate him further before he can get any more disillusioned. We haven't been given evidence that Lindsey has been living with any sort of guilt for the other things he's done. Not that I require evidence for it to be true, repressing guilt is a thing and we don't know Lindsey very well. But all this to say, Angel has good reason to be deeply suspicious of Lindsey's motives. It doesn't help that his opening statement is "I need your help, I want out." Not "I need your help, I can't do this anymore" or "I need your help, they're gonna kill some kids." Angel cut through Faith's bullshit in a similar way to Lindsey, except we know Faith better than Lindsey so we knew Angel's observations were true with Faith and so didn't feel as harsh. Angel even gave Faith tough love during her recovery period in Sanctuary, as coddling her would have made her feel like taking the easy route and running away again was a good option. However, even though I think Angel was valid in his approach with Lindsey, I'm not sure it was the right one. Lindsey seemed to need a little coddling even if he didn't deserve it, Holland proved that. I think most likely Lindsey would have made the same decision regardless, but it's amazing how much people's choices are influenced by the manner in which they are spoken to. Some kindness coming from the Good Side in this difficult confusing predicament could have made a world of difference. But Holland was the only one with good Manners haha