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You guys ask, I deliver ;) Since I had this ready I decided to release it early (instead of Wednesday like I was going to). This means you guys are gonna have to wait a week for a new episode though (2x11), so sorry about that.. Anyways Kendraaaaaa come back to me I miss you already.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2x10 - What's My Line (Part 2) .mp4

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Ron Fehr

I have to say something. Although I agree the that Willow is allowed to make her own choices, I was never comfortable with the choice she eventually made.


Well technically it was demon that made Dru that way not the Angel we know and love. Even if the soul Angel has now shares the body with the demon, if evil overpowers the soul half, that is the demon. I assume Angel always talks about his past as 'I' because his conscience/soul feels guilty even if it was the demon who did it...having to also share the body with the demon probably makes him feel they are the same person when they are not.