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Hey everyone,

Something a little different this month.

We've created this 30x90 map of a mountain road, starting in the forest and leading through a gorge, and then a mountain cliff with a dungeon entrance.  They work as three 30x30 maps, but best as 30x90 together.

Thee three variants will be night, winter, and badlands.


Slightly different approach to the Alt-Version, but something we have done before.

Instead of alt-versions of the road, we want you to suggest what's inside the dungeon entrance.  After travelling down this road, what's in the dark entrance? 

Put your ideas in the comments, and we'll pick our favourites for a poll!




I also have the tendency to ramble....sorry


Someone or something felled the trees and maintains that long path for a reason. The fact that the entrance is not concealed suggests that they/it does not care if travelers or adventurers can find it, or they/it welcomes adventurers or travelers. A trading outpost with a mine seem obvious, but what about the entrance to the audience-chamber where The Shaker of the Mountain holds court, collects tribute, etc.? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I like the idea of a scenario where an adventuring party must sneak and/or fight their way through a long series of defenders protected by elevation and palisades on some of the rocky outcrops. or on wooden platforms that adventurers could take down through sabotage or sorcery.