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Hi everyone,

For the next Third Map, we want your ideas. 

Let us know a map that your campaign or game will need in the next few months. Where will your players be going?  Have you got an epic idea for a big-boss showdown?

We'll pick one of the maps to make for everyone's June Third Map!

It should be a fantasy themed map, and be able to work as a single level map

Good luck!




Andrew Croft

The next bit of city to your execution plaza map. Cities are so useful and an canal chase is neat


My campaign is nearing the conclusion as the heroes are attempting to stop an arcanist from breaching the boundary to the deific plane. As such they are traveling to various ley-line junctures on the mortal plane where their opponent has altered the flow of planar energy. At each location they need to plane-shift from the mortal realm into the plane of Concordance (similar to the fey-realm / first world / elemental plane) and unmake the arcane construct that she created there. So for maps, I would need various exotic locations, with a fey-realm version for when they plane-shift. Using Fantasy Grounds VTT, the maps can be placed on different layers with the fey-version hidden. When they players plane-shift, I can instant reveal the fey version of the map.