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Hey everyone!

Happy New April!  

We're excited to send you the rewards for April soon.  It's a great set of maps and we hope they'll find a place in your games.

How have your games been this month? What's happened with your party, and which maps did you battle through?

We had some great sessions in the games at the start of the month. The party reached the village of Boulderfell and discovered a dungeon beneath a large stone. They ventured down there and found the surviving villagers and the troglodytic descendents of the first villagers who fled underground for safety centuries ago. 

Then just the simple task of defeating an elder-creature to wrap it up...


Unfortunately we didn't get a game last week because I (Joe) had Covid again. Luckily it was quite mild, but it did mean I had to rest lots and was isolated. We're waiting to see if Sarah has avoided it, but we're not sure yet! Fingers crossed!

Your games!

We'd love to hear what's happening in your games! Let us know in the comments:

  • What's happened in the last session?
  • What have you got planned for the coming month?
  • What system are you playing?
  • Which maps have you used?

In other news:

We've currently got a Sci-Fi bundle of holding running, with huge bundles with great discounts.  See this post for a summary of how it works.

If you want to check it out, go here: Sci-Fi Bundle of Holding

Finally, a Request

Over the past year we've seen the number of Patreon supporters fall each month. We appreciate that times are difficult for everyone and that people have less money available for hobby and leisure spending.

With the changes to Twitter etc it's getting harder to make our Patreon known to people, and we're surprised by how often we hear people tell us 'Oh, I didn't know you guys had a Patreon'.

If you can find 5 minutes to share a link to our Patreon on your Twitter/Reddit/Facebook etc that would be massively appreciated!

-- Patreon Schedule --

5th April - Rewards: April's rewards bundles should be ready for download.  Everyone that had their payment processed by Patreon at the beginning of this month will receive their rewards DTRPG codes.  This will contain all the maps, whilst the adventure supplement and the one page GM resource are uploaded to Patreon.

7th April - MotM: We'll preview your May Map of the Month.

11th April -  Poll: 48hr poll opens for the Alt version of the Map of the Month. You decide what we make.

15th April - Sci-Fi: Reveal of May's Sci-Fi map for our $8 tier patrons.

21st April - Alt-Map: We'll preview the finished version of your May Alt-map., and variants of the MotM

25th April - Third Map: We'll preview the Third Map :)

28th April - MegaDungeons: The next levels for the MegaDungeon and Sci-Fi MegaMap levels are ready for a preview.

Reward Delivery Reminder

We use DrivethruRPG to deliver our rewards.  On Rewards Day you'll get sent a set of codes for the maps which have been uploaded to DrivethruRPG (the maps that your support has funded) .

Clicking these codes will add the maps to your DTRPG account for free. You are then free to download the maps whenever you choose - they'll stay in your account at DTRPG forever. We just ask that you click the code and claim the maps within 2 months of receiving the code.

Now's a good time to make sure you've claimed last month's rewards :)

Thanks, and have a great month!

Joe & Sarah




I just started a new game in GURPS Banestorm. It's a medieval fantasy setting based upon Earth's 13th century, so christians, muslims, samurai, etc. Very "Game of Thrones" style for story elements this go around since I don't tend to do political air much, and wanted to change it. So far, the players find themselves at a medieval tournament, jousting, footman competitions, etc, in celebration of the Baron's birthday (One of the players is a baron). The players plan to make wealth by searching for rare creatures to capture, safari style, and sell for menageries and rare mounts, etc. Alot of wilderness adventuring and lairs are likely to be the goto maps, as well as medieval-style settlements. One future encounter is going to be in a barony with necromancer/undead lord who is still Christian, believing in the "Order of Lazarus" and wholly believing Lazarus to have been undead who rose from the grave.


My Vampire group made deals with the prince of the city so they get new hunting grounds and with another vampire to free her childe from hunters. Most maps I used where from google maps because we play in todays London *g* This month will be a heist and possible battle when they enter the laboratory-prison. Still not sure if I will use battlemaps for this. My Aventurien (The setting from "The Dark Eye") - D&D5-group solved a political conflict by finding an old testament and then traveled with a group of knights to another city to find out who manipulated the nobles from behind. They moved into an ambush, knights against knights, stomping hoves and a lot of armor. I used the Geomorph Hinterland Maps (Light Forest, River, Road, Rocky Wilderness) for this one. The Geomorph Hinterland Maps are one of my favorite sets from Heroic Maps, they have been useful again and again. This month will be the finishing of the battle and research and roleplay in the city of Rommilys. In my D&D-Pirate-Group two characters where found by their respektive hunters which attacked at the same time which resulted in a wild three factions battle on the map of The Silver Sword Pit Fighting Club. Afterwards the group met the sea lord of Freeport to discuss the problem of a kraken cult. Next will be the search for a new homebase on an island. I will use the Cave of the Sea Beast cause the perfect place for the base is the lair of a sea dragon at the moment ;) We had the Free RPG Day in our local store. Our club was there with 9 DMs, I was one of them and did short scenarios with Fate in Middle Earth (no battle map), Vaesen (no battle map) and a D&D5 (with a Paizo battlemap). Afterwards we played Microscope (a great world/history-building game) with the DMs. We also played D&D5 in our local cinema before the preview of the new D&D-movie :-) A simple scenario for newbies around a group of bandits and a cave dungeon with a gelatinous cube. I used Paizo battlemaps for these. And then there was a Broken Compass scenario in the Andes, searching for an Inka treasure in a lost temple, Tomb Raider style. A lot of traps, shooting, explosions and near-fall-to-the-death. No battlemaps for this system. This month we will play our regular campaign of Dresden Files (With Fate and in 1890) with this group. As I am a player, I don't know what will happen, we are searching for a supernatural killer in the streets of London at the moment. I am also going to run The Sprawl (PbTA Cyberpunk) in our club this month (no battlemaps for this system) and a Star Trek Adventures scenario for my work colleague (maybe I will use some of your sci fi maps for this one) and our club makes a newbie-RPG-evening at the local university. I am still not sure what system I will run as a DM for this. Also there is the Harucon this month, a small (but big for us) local Manga & Anime con where we are also doing TRPG and LARP and I will run small D&D5- and FATE-scenarios there. For these I will use the maps from WotC Tactical Maps Reincarnated and some Paizo maps.