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Hey everyone,

We wanted to let you know that we've got a new Bundle of Holding on offer, with a huge selection of Sci-Fi maps.

Heroic Maps Bundle of Holding

What is a Bundle of Holding?

In case you aren't aware of what this is, let me briefly summarise.  Essentially there's two bundles of maps, each with a significant discount on the retail price. The first bundle has a fixed price of $14.95.  However, if you pay over a certain amount (called the threshold price) you get the second bundle as well.  The threshold price increases with time and the number of sales, so the earlier you buy, the cheaper the bundle is.  It's also a charity drive, with a share of the money going to Direct Relief, a medical support charity.

Heroic Maps Bundle of Holding 

Now, we love you guys - you're our Patrons and biggest supporters, so we want to make sure no one feels disappointed with anything.

We want to point out a couple of things with this.

1) A fair number of the maps in the bundle are ex-Patreon sci-fi maps.  If you've been with us a long time, you'll probably have a fair number of them. They're also as VTT files in the vault here (but not the pdfs and full jpegs).  

2) Despite being linked to DTRPG, the Bundle of Holding doesn't recognise if a product is already in your DTRPG account, so won't discount anything that's already there (the way a regular DTRP bundle does).

So, it might be that you own a couple of these, but the amazing price makes up for the fact that there's a duplicate or two for you (it's a huge saving, to be fair..)

Or maybe you're not on the Sci-Fi tier and so don't have these maps, and if that's the case this would be a fantastic opportunity to pick up a huge set of maps for a massive saving.

We wanted to be totally open with you so no-one felt disappointed if they picked it up.

Anyway, hope you check it out and if you're interested then the sooner you buy the better for you!

We'd also appreciate as much sharing of the link etc as you can on forums and social media etc - with the changes on Twitter it's harder than ever to get people to see what you're up to!

Thanks so much, and have a great day!

Joe & Sarah

Heroic Maps Bundle of Holding



David Geary

Resolutions of mapa I have for VTT as I'm trying to get a second IRL table going. Also the charity Peyton is a plus for me.


High quality beautiful maps like always, unfortunately sci fi is not really my thing so I think I’ll pass on these, I can’t see myself ever using them. I hope this is not too forward of me to ask this but you’ve mentioned a few updates ago restarting work on Candlekeep Mysteries, may I ask how this is coming along? I really loved your bundles and I’m looking forwards to them continuing.