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Welcome to February here on Heroic Maps Patreon. As ever, we are so pleased to have you all here and we hope you love the maps that we've made to thank you for your patronage this month.  For anyone new (hello!), we give out our monthly 'thank you' rewards in the first week of the month and then plan next month's map with you over the succeeding few weeks.

We've had a bit of a refresh as far as appearances go, but we've got some bigger changes around the place that we'll explain here.

VTT Vault

Many of you will remember that a few years back we moved our reward fulfilment to DrivethruRPG as the monthly bundle of files had become too big for Dropbox to handle. However since then we have noticed that every month quite a few patrons don't claim their maps. That is entirely up to you! But we do worry that one day you might want them and your Drivethru codes will have expired. 

So we have come up with the solution of keeping a vault of VTT-sized files (less than 10mb each) here on Patreon that all patrons can use. You'll be able to access every map that we have ever made for your tier.

So, to state that clearly, if you are a current patron, you can find gridless VTT jpgs of all the Patreon-made maps for your tier here.

Want to know what maps we've got? When Joe uploaded the files he diligently typed entries about them, with keywords, into a spreadsheet. You can access that here on Google sheets.

New tiers (Foundry) and renames

Next up, we've renamed your tiers for practicality reasons, but don't worry, nothing else about them has changed. You still get all the maps you were getting before, including your high-res, print quality files and full-size jpgs. So our two main tiers are now called 'Fantasy' (on which you get all of our month's fantasy maps) and 'Fantasy & Sci-fi' (on which you get every map we make each month).

We do have two new tiers for people who play using FoundryVTT. We polled you about that in January and decided to set up two tiers: a 'Fantasy with FoundryVTT' tier at $12 a month and 'Fantasy & Sci-Fi with FoundryVTT' at $15. 

These tiers will include the usual reward bundle (inc print versions) and will also include Foundry-ready files (lighting, walls, doors - where appropriate). We'll also be keeping our Foundry files in a vault here on Patreon that you can access as per your tier.

February's map bundle is going to be available with Foundry versions, so bump up your pledge if you want to get those.

Edited to add: so sorry about the flurry of VTT vault posts. It's a flaw in the Patreon system and won't continue this way.

February Schedule

So, after all that, here's what we've got planned for the month.

1 Feb - Third Map - We take your suggestions.
5 Feb - Reward Day - Links to your rewards sent.
7 Feb - Map of the Month - We preview the March's MotM and it's 3 variants. Plus you suggest ideas for an alt version of the MotM.
9 Feb - Alt Poll - We put some of your alt version ideas in a poll to decide the map we make.
14 Feb - Valentines - Keep an eye out for the discount code for our annual Valentines map.
15 Feb - Sci-Fi - We reveal the Sci-Fi Map of the Month
18 Feb - Alt Map - Take a look at the finished version of the map that won your poll.
22 Feb - Third Map - We show you the map we made from your Third Map ideas.
26 Feb - Megas Reveal - Both our 6-part mega maps are at the part 3 stage - see this month's additions.




Regarding third map ideas: - A vampire pince base in the city sewers - An overgrown ritual site from a former cult - City Cathedral (dont think we already have something like this?) - (City) Monastery


Thank you. More great maps is awesome :)