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Hi everyone,

We'd like to gauge interest for a Foundry VTT tier.

The intention would be to produce FoundryVTT ready versions of each of the maps released each month (fantasy & sci-fi). They'd have walls, doors and lighting (but no characters/monsters/journal entries etc).

The tier would be $15 each month (giving access to all that month's maps in all formats - pdf, full size jpegs, VTT sized jpegs and FoundryVTT version).

So, the question is:

If we had a $15 FoundryVTT tier, would you upgrade your pledge?



p.s you're welcome to put any comments below (either why you would or wouldn't be interested)

p.p.s. We know that many of you are also interested in other VTT formats (FG, Roll20 etc). At present we don't have any plans or capacity to offer those formats (although of course you can always import our VTT-sized files into them). This poll is just to gauge interest in a FoundryVTT addon tier.



"Like a few others, I voted no because I don't use Foundry" Hey Joe I think you need to rethink this poll... First Questions should be 'DO you use Foundry VTT?' then if YES then ask the question about - I don't think your getting the correct feedback your looking for here!

Heroic Maps

Hey Charles. No, it is working for us. We want a rough minimum number of people that would change. This poll has given us that :)

Sir Motte

I'd prefer Fantasy Grounds tbh, but all in all I'm not willing to cash out this much money just for some LOS adjustments. Especially since I use a lot of mods in both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds, that make me use different approaches to mapping, making the point of paying for ready made maps moot. I'd rather would like to see empty / lightless versions of maps, so I can easily create the mood and set dressing I like with one of the VTT tools. Right now I heavily photoshop the maps to my liking, which is very tedious.