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Hey everyone,

So, as you probably saw on a previous post, we had a slight hiccup regarding the alt-version.

The winning suggestion was to turn the marsh goblin village into a tower containing a golem under construction. When we had originally read the suggestion we thought it sounded great and put it in the poll. However, once we started to actually work on it we realised that it wasn't quite working. The position of the huts and ruin didn't really lend themselves to the golem-tower, and then we decided that in order to do it justice we'd have to essentially do everything again from scratch - and that's not the idea behind an alt-version.

So, we took the decision to make the runner up (which was only a few % behind) - and turn the village into a treetop village.

We think this has really worked well. It's a 40x40 map, and there'll be simple interiors that you can use.

We think it's a really fun place to have in your map collection, and we hope you think so too!



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