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The Alt Version Map

We're previewing the Third Map today rather than the Alt-Map as scheduled. We're sorry to say that we've had a few abortive goes at making the Golem construction tower (which won the alt poll) and nothing is looking right. So we made the Third map first (see below) and have decided to switch the Alt-Map to be a Goblin tree village, which came a very close second in your poll. That is nearly completed and we're really pleased with how it looks, but we are sorry not to have been able to make the golem tower. We're going to have a think about how to make something similar along those lines for you soon.

The Third Map

But back to today's preview. As part of the Old Kingdom project, we asked you to suggest what could be found on the small island off the coast.

There were so many good ideas (islands are so evocative, aren't they?) and in the end we combined two or three ideas together.

Hagwellion point is a 30x30 map, depicting an abandoned pirate village that was built amongst the ruins of an even older naval castle. The old harbour silted up when the castle was abandoned, before pirates took advantage of the site to build a small settlement. However, those scurvy sailors didn't realise that a sea-hag lived in the ruins under the old castle watch tower. With the intruding pirates cursed by the unhappy sea-hag, their little village was left ruined. and Hagwellion Point is known today as a place of ghosts and monsters.

There are also a couple of variants of this map (winter - with rough seas, and night - with creepy haunted ambience!).



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