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Hey everyone,

With the end of New Atami Heights apartment block in sight, it's time to pick the next megamap for the Sci-Fi tier.   

This is a 6 month map that builds up over time, either as a multiple level location, or a large map spread over several connected maps.

We've picked a couple of ideas from previous polls, and thrown in some new ideas.

The options are:

The Crows' Nest - an old space-station that's been taken over by a gang of space pirates, and turned into their base.

VivaSilo QJ7 survival bunker silo extends deep beneath the wasteland surface, although the very lowest levels are forbidden to enter.

The Wreck of the Sheerwater - a huge derelict spacehulk, with a grimy industrial aesthetic, spread across a single level

Petraluna Corp - Prison Mine 81-80: A lunar mining prison facility, with surface buildings, deep mines, prison cells, and cavern systems.

Gaviskar Reef Imperial Base - a military bunker and landing compound on a tropical island (Scarif, anyone?)

Pick wisely ..you have 48 hours and one vote!


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