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Hi everyone,

We're coming to the end of the Dark Road, which means in June we'll start working on the next megadungeon.

For those that are new, the Megadungeon is a 6 month project where we build up a large map with a different installment each month. The maps can be multi-level, or large, sprawling single levels made of 6 sections.

We've picked 3 options from previous polls, and added another 2 new ideas.

The options are:

Journey Along Brooklime Gorge - a winding river that cuts through a limestone gorge, with ruined castles, villages and more along the route. (large, single level)

The Sewers of St Gerrin - a sprawling sewer system beneath the city (accessed via one of the St Gerrin location maps), with ancient areas, secret chambers, hideouts etc (large, single level)

Caves of the Sea Beast - coastal cliffs and caves, leading to deeper sea-filled caverns and hidden air-pockets (multiple-levels)

The Citadel of Tarvalhoth the Sorceror - The stronghold of a powerful and dangerous sorceror (multiple-levels)

The Catacombs Beneath Umbergate - ancient crypts and tombs beneath a city, heading deeper into ancient burials and forgotten chambers. (multiple-levels)

You have 48 hours, and one vote! Use it wisely!


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