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Hey everyone,

Time for a preview! Any eagle-eyed people that have looked through the Isle of the Dead supplement might have noticed a little clue as to July's Map of the Month, as it fits the theme of classical Greece.

We wanted to go for a monster lair, and there's few Greek myth monsters better than a Hydra! So, here's a 30x30 Hydra lair, deep in a swamp.

We've also planned out the three variants of this map - they'll be:

  • a night version of the Hydra lair
  • a spider infested lair
  • a desert lair

So, keep that in mind when suggesting alt-version ideas :)


As usual, we want to hear your ideas for the alt-version of this map. How would you re-imagine it? How could we tweak it to make it into a different fantasy map? Put your ideas in the comments below, and we'll shortlist a few in 2 days time, and put together a poll for you to decide.

Get thinking!



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