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Hi everyone,

First off, the GM resource page is now available in the Dropbox folder you got a link to the other day. Since we completed all 6 levels of Cuatemoc we thought a useful resource sheet that can be used on all levels would be handy.

Secondly, we thought we'd do a little spotlight on the adventure supplements we produce. Obviously you're here for the maps, but early on one of our Patreon goals was to also produce useful resources that GMs could use alongside the maps we make, and use in other ways too. So, we thought we'd just look at the sort of thing the supplements contain.

Regional Map

Each adventure supplement contains a regional map (covering a varying scale), and notable locations are marked on it. The Map of the Month is one, plus any other important locations mentioned in the supplement. In addition, we might include locations covered in other maps, allowing you to tie them together in a larger story.


We always start with a setting. You'll get some history of the site, some geographical descriptions and some hint at story lines. You could use this setting as is, or adjust it to fit into your campaign world.

This month, being the first with three variant maps, we also produced settings for those locations. We adjust the contents of the supplement to ensure that it contains the most useful things for the particular maps.


We like to put together full bios for three or four NPCs that you can fit into your game. They'll have ideas for story hooks, descriptions of their character, motives and flaws. Minor NPCs are often covered in tables, allowing you to populate the map with suitable characters quickly.

Plot Hooks

Each supplement includes three plot hooks. We try and give a variety of story hooks, with a wide range of different quest types. The NPCs and tables will complement the story hooks, but of course any of it could be transported to another setting.

Useful Tables

It's always tricky when a player unexpectedly asks you what that random tavern customer is called, or if there's anything written on the wall, or what's in that box. Each supplement contains several imaginative and detailed tables, designed with the maps in mind. However, they're incredibly versatile and can easily be adapted. Sometimes they'll also be tables of story hooks that can give ideas for further adventure.

Creatures and Enemies

If it's appropriate to the map, we try and include 3 or 4 monsters/creatures that you might encounter in combat. Tailored to the flavour of the map, and fitting into the story hooks, each creature has a description and some unique abilities to help you use them to produce interesting combat.

Tailored material

Sometimes the supplements also include rather unique content that adds flavour to the map. For example, for the Muckspout Tavern supplement we wrote two original ballads that your bard could sing, and also invented three pub games that your players can actually play. We're happy to tweak the contents of the supplement to help you get the most use out of a map.

The One Page GM Resource Sheet

Finally, we come to the One Page. This is a single page packed with tables. Plot hooks, treasures, wandering monsters, random events, prophecies, traps, NPCs, rumours, curses...   We think carefully about what would be useful to a GM using this map and they try and cram in as many useful ideas as we can! We want you to be inspired!

So there you have it - a spotlight on the adventure supplements. 95% of the content in the adventure supplements is written by Sarah, carefully crafted to help you get the most out of our maps, and provide inspiration and ideas for adventures.  If you haven't had a good look through them before, why not look through the most recent one and see what ideas it sparks for your next game.



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