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Hey everyone,

We had a few updates to pass on, so figured we'd put them together as a single post.

Over 625 Patrons

First, we're really happy that we've gone past 625 patrons, unlocking two goals. The first means that there will be 3 theme-variants of the Map of the Month. We'll be telling you what they are when we preview the MotM later today.

The second goal is the unlocking of the Year 1 Vault archive to everyone. That means every map from October 2017 - September 2018 will go into a Vault that current Patrons will have access to, even if you've just joined.  We'll be putting that together later in the week, and will let you know when it's ready.

Sci-Fi Random Map Winner

For those on the Sci-Fi tier, you'll know that a few days ago we asked you to suggest an idea for the June Sci-Fi map, around the theme of Star Wars inspired locations.  We listed all the ideas and randomly picked a winner - and the winner was Lloyd Ritchey's suggestion of a Jedi Archives Library.  Super idea, and we've got some great plans for it!  

Tell your friends!

The last thing we wanted to say was, if you like our maps, and think your friends etc would enjoy our maps too, let them know about our Patreon.  Since we don't charge for each map released in a single month, and instead have a flat rate for bundles of maps, the more things in each bundle, the better the value.  As we unlock future goals it will mean the bundles will get better and better value.   For example, as it stands, the $5 June fantasy bundle will contain the Map of the Month, 3 variants, an alt-version, a Third Map, a level of a MegaDungeon, a 5 page adventure supplement and a one page GM resource sheet. All for $5!   

Thanks for your support, and stay safe and play games!

Joe & Sarah



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