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Hi everyone!

Another month, another set of rewards for you awesome Patrons!  Thanks to your support, we can work on maps full time and put lots of time and love into creating exciting and detailed maps and adventure supplements.  We really appreciate it.  We've sent links to everyone that's had their payment processed by Patreon.

So, for May, you're getting:

Map of the Month - 30x30 Arrowhead Point

Alt-version - eight different interiors for the building on Arrowhead Point

Third Map - Day & Night multilevel lighthouse for Arrowhead Point

Megadungeon - Level 5 of the Lost Tombs of Cuatemoc

Adventure supplement - plot hooks, items, NPCs and tables, tables tables for Arrowhead Point

GM Resource Sheet - page full of hooks and ideas for Chapel of the Unquiet Dead (see your messages for a discount code)

Plus, if you're a Sci-Fi supporter you'll also be getting the Crashed Old Scoter, with both exterior and interior versions.

Loads and loads, and with us meeting new goals already, next month promises to be excellent!

Thanks again for your support - and happy gaming!

Joe & Sarah



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