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Inspiration can come at any time!

We already had an idea planned for March's Map of the Month, but that's been put on hold. As we were producing the supplement for February's Golem Maker's Workshop, Sarah came up with the names of some other locations around the city it's set in. As we were reading through it, I said I liked the name 'Muckspout Tavern' and almost immediately we both said 'That has to be the next Map of the Month!'

And so it is! There's actually quite a bit for the same town now - The Cartographer's Guildhall, Penbleak Prison, The Golem Maker's Workshop, Riverside Warehouse, and now Muckspout Tavern.  You can get area maps and lots of adventure ideas etc in the Adventure Supplements for the past 2 months.

Anyway, on to the preview! This 30x30 map has a large urban tavern and its own brewery in the yard.

This will be in the March reward bundle.

Alt Version

So, for the alt-version we'd love to hear your ideas of how we can re-skin and reimagine this map. Remember, it needs to be a fantasy idea, and isn't a completely new map. It should use the main elements of the existing map.

We'll pick our favourites in the next few days and make a poll for you to pick your winner :)





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