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We've just sent download links for February's rewards to everyone that has had their payment processed by Patreon. If yours was declined, please try again and let us know when it's gone through (so we can send you your link :)  )

It's a bumper month!

  • The Golem Makers Workshop (MotM)
  • Riverside Warehouse - Day & Night (Alt-Version)
  • The Buried Temple of Gun'Kurta - interior and surface (Third Map)
  • Level 2 of Lost Tombs of Cuatemoc Megadungeon
  • 5 Page adventure supplement for Golem Makers Workshop
  • One Page GM Resource for Lost Hall of Heroes

And if you're a Sci-Fi backer too you'll also have two versions of the Eyno Bleside market (with interior room overlays).

By the way, if you don't already own The Lost Hall of Heroes and you'd like to pick it up for use with the One Page, you can use this discount code to get it for $5 (50% off), valid for a week.

Thanks once again for your support! It genuinely means so much to us! It's so awesome to be making maps for your games, and your generous support lets us do that :)



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