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Hi everyone!

Firstly, Happy New Year to you all! We hope you had a really good Christmas, and a fun New Year's Eve! We want to thank you for all your support and kind messages during a difficult December. We're really excited for 2020, and have some great things planned!

I'm just about to post the last preview of your January rewards (the mega-dungeon) which I managed to get finished today - but to start with, here's the intended schedule for January


Here is our plan for the releases, polls and posts that you can look forward to with us on Patreon this month.

2nd Jan -  We're going to be asking you for suggestions as to the Third Map. It will fully open in terms of what you can suggest (aside from the size and fantasy requirements), and the winner will be picked randomly with a dice roll!

4th Jan -  We'll randomly pick the Third Map winner

6th Jan - January's rewards bundles!  Everyone that had their payment processed by Patreon at the beginning of this month will receive their rewards download link.  This will contain all the maps, the Adventure Supplement and the one page GM resource.  

7th Jan- Your February Map of the Month is revealed. We'll also ask you for suggestions for an Alt-Map, an alternative version of the MotM.

9th Jan -  48hr poll opens for the Alt Map.

15th Jan- Reveal of February's Sci-Fi map for our $8 tier patrons. 

21st Jan- We'll preview the finished version of the February Alt-map.

25th Jan- February's Third Map will be previewed. 

28th Jan- The next level of The Lost Tombs of Cuatemoc, which you will receive with your February rewards,  will be previewed!



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