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Hey everyone,

Hope you all had a great Christmas! We're really looking forward to 2020 - we have some great plans for maps :)

It's time for the preview of January's Third Map. We loved all the ideas from the alt-version poll, and thought that it would be good to use one of those for the Third map. The runner-up was the Venetian villa, and given the month we've had, figured that it was a bit ambitious to try and fit that in. However, we do intend to do that in the near future.

Instead, we opted to bring to life the military HQ option. War has broken out in the streets and a military force has taken over the Cartographers' Guildhall and turned it into a field HQ. War rooms, planning tables, stores, barracks, officer's rooms etc - everything you need for a military command post!

This will be in the January reward bundle :)



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