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The time has arrived for us to reveal next month's Map of the Month. 

May's map will be a 20x30 map that we are calling "The Majestic Palace Kingdom of Emperor Garbelgutt the Powerful and Wise", or Garbelgutt's Palace for brevity.  Please do not offend Garbelgutt by looking at his ramshackle caves and thinking the name of his 'kingdom' is silly.  A goblin so powerful and wise should never be accused of being silly.

As you can see, the map is essentially a little goblin village in some caves.  Connected by rickety walkways there are tents and living spaces, a prison, trading areas, a healer and Garbelgutt's throne.  We hope you like it - we think it turned out pretty nicely.

Now, of course, we need something from you.  What could we possibly turn this map into by making some alterations?  Please comment with your ideas for the alt-map and we will choose some to put to a patron vote in two days time.



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