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Hello everyone! My sense of time continues to be whacky at the moment, but I feel like every year it gets especially bad around Christmas. Is anyone else that way? Life feels fine and then you realize Christmas is only a week out, or a few days out. I'm not really in the Christmas spirit this year, but I'm going to have Christmas music playing all week and I've scheduled a couple movie nights to watch some favourite Christmas movies. If you're free to join me and other community members for those, please get yourself in Discord! If you're a paying member of Patreon, please join through linking your account in your Connection settings. If you fall outside of that, then just click this invite link. I hope to see some of you there! You don't need to bring anything for it, just yourself! 😊

➑️ YouTube Releases:

  • Christmas Classics YouTube Poll Winner: It's a Wonderful Life (1946) [Watchalong coming to Patreon late tonight]

➑️ Patreon Early Access Releases:

  • What If...? Episodes 7 - 9 - Unfortunately this won't be going public on the channel until after Christmas, but you'll get a lot of early access time to watch the edit

➑️ Patreon Watchalong Releases:

  • November's Member of the Month pick - promise it is coming, thanks for your patience!
  • Continuing with "Christmas" movies with Die Hard 2 (1990) 😏

➑️ For Patreon Insider Members [Watchalongs]:

  • Starting Season 3 of Better Call Saul with Episodes 1 - 2
  • Starting Season 1 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Episodes 1 - 2 - super excited for this! The first episode will be free to watchalong

➑️ Discord Events [Open to ALL]:

  • Thurs, Dec 21 @ 18:00 MST: Christmas Watch Party of The Santa Clause (1994)
  • Fri, Dec 22 @ 18:00 MST: Christmas Watch Party of How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

Other Small Announcements:

  • I'm taking Dec 23 - 26 off to be with family for the holidays
  • I am working on some stuff behind-the-scenes this week, which plays a part into why it's a lighter release week
  • I've decided to push the newsletter this month to January and that will be a giant Quarter 4 newsletter covering Oct - Dec on the channel, plus I'll be sharing 2024 plans too!
  • My Patreon Shop now contains ALL of my movie reaction watchalongs. I still have to do a once-over to make sure there isn't a reaction that I've forgotten about. I am now working on getting all the TV series up there too. First up is Stranger Things 4, House of the Dragon, and Andor. I'm so close to getting caught up and this will feel really good once I am!

I think that's about it for this week. As always, a huge THANK YOU for choosing to watch my videos that I make and for being part of this community, including those of you who have joined for free to keep up-to-date on these announcements! Nothing here is possible without your excitement and support. I appreciate you all so much and as we get closer to the holidays, I'm wishing the best for each and every one of you. ❀️

✦ KL




Oh man I might have to upgrade my tier if you're starting AOS! I don't think there's one bad episode in the bunch, and there are some episodes and arcs that are an absolute masterclass from top to bottom.

Onno Smits

Can't wait for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! πŸ•Ί