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Hi hi hi! I've lost all sense of time and days, wasn't it just yesterday I posted one of these? 😂 The link that is currently out for the Early Access to Eps 4-6 of What If...? for paid members may change as I am re-editing/uploading to try to get it out faster than YT Support can figure out what's going on with my channel. We'll see who wins. 😁

This week and next week will be pretty packed with videos and then it'll be a bit quieter between Dec 23 - Jan 1 as I spend time with family and friends for the holidays. I still plan on recording/editing here and there during that time, it just won't be a full week of it that's all.

I am thinking of scheduling a couple movie nights in Discord during the holidays as a way for us to gather and hang out, so if you're interested make sure to connect in my server through your Patreon settings and give yourself the Watch Party role so you'll be notified. It wouldn't be on Christmas Eve or Day, but I'm thinking maybe the 27-28 could be fun if anyone is around!

➡️ YouTube Releases:

➡️ Patreon Watchalong Releases:

  • In light of the above, I had to move recording Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) to tomorrow morning, but it'll be a great way for me to kick off a Monday! It's gonna go on the channel in January sometime
  • Chasing Amy (1997) 
  • It's a Wonderful Life (1946), which was the winner of my Christmas movies poll on YouTube! Hopefully this gives me some holiday spirit that I am REALLY lacking right now 😂
  • And November's MotM pick will come out this week too - it's still a surprise but it'll ALSO go on the channel in January

➡️ For Patreon Insider Members [Watchalongs]:

  • I'm finishing Agent Carter with Episodes 7 - 10 of Season 2 🥳
  • I also decided to finish Season 2 of Better Call Saul this week too with Episodes 7 - 10 because why not? 😂

What are you looking forward to the most?

- - -

I haven't had much time to watch any videos this past week, but I have finally begun my Star Wars reading journey. I started Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn, the first book in that particular Thrawn trilogy. It's the 20th Anniversary Edition, so there are a large amount of notes written by Timothy where he's providing a lot of insight into certain decisions he made. I'm not that far in yet, but I've learned cool things like how he was the one who invented Coruscant and George liked it so much that he used it in the prequels, how sweet! I'm a visual reader - I basically create movie scenes in my mind as I'm reading what's on the pages - so it's been super helpful that I have watched so much Star Wars stuff. Reading this is a breeze and super enjoyable.

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Did you get up to anything fun? Let me know! I appreciate you all, you're the best. 🤘

✦ KL


Bryan Dempsey

I’m looking forward to all of it. I can’t choose! I’m very interested in your thoughts on Heir to the Empire when you finish it. I remember it coming out. This sole hardcover Star Wars sequel novel existed in a vacuum. There were no prequels on the horizon or any other authors exploring the universe. Just Timothy Zahn’s books which I love to this day. How it reads to you with all the sequel/prequel/side story canon floating around in your head will be most interesting indeed. When you’re ready to start your Discord Book Club discussion, I’m in. 😁


I have a books channel in my Discord server that I plan on popping thoughts into, but I'll make sure to share them here too! I'm also considering making quick YouTube shorts to give my thoughts on books and eventually comics (when I find the time for them lol).

Jon Johns

My past two weeks? --> Godzilla: Minus One. I had to drive a bit to get to a theater showing it. I am not as adventurous as you Albertans, with your loooooong drives just to get anywhere 😉 but I thought it was worth it. (3 Times!!) Other than that: sending some Xmas boxes in the mail, and lots of house hold deep cleaning... 😭