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Hi everyone! I bring you my watchalong for Dune! Thanks to everyone who voted in the Josh Brolin YouTube poll, even if you didn't vote for this movie in particular. I appreciate all the participation when I do the occasional polls over there.

Please enjoy! Looking forward to reading your comments. 😊 I'm adding this book to my To Read list. And I'd be interested in checking out the 1984 version of this movie too (possibly on my own time though cause it seems people like this one WAY more).


✦ KL



Steve Mercier

Hands down one of the best adaptations of a book (and one of my favorite books) I've ever seen. Can't wait for part two. Gonna watch this later when I get home from work.


Frank Herberts Dune Trilogy is to sci-fi what LotR is to Fantasy imho. The Books are amazing and absolutely worth a read, Great Movie with an amazing cast. Thanks KL for your reaction.


As a quick disclaimer, I've never read the books or seen the old movie, but I've seen this movie in cinemas in 2021 and many times since and this world fascinates me extremely. The heavy sci-fi with the world feeling super different from ours and much more futuristic, mixed with the almost medieval fantasy feeling rituals and culture, with the different houses that almost remind of Game of Thrones, it's such an intriguing combination and I cannot wait for more media from this world in this quality. I think also the similarities to Star Wars are ever stronger feeling with you having recently watched Book of Boba Fett. The Spice on a desert planet with a native culture that is considered primitive and brutal but is, while actually being brutal to a degree, also actually much more cultured than is immediately obvious. Like other commenters have pointed out, parts of Star Wars were heavily inspired by this, which is a good thing to keep in mind. I nonetheless think the stories are different in interesting ways, even if only because the politics at the start of the story are already visibly much more complicated, and Paul is a character from a noble house, which obviously makes him a very different person from Luke. I'm not at all surprised that you were rather quiet during this movie. I was exactly the same way. In the cinema, this was quite the trip, the music is insane, the visuals are insane, and I'm insane (lol). I'm really curious how this story continues. I should point out that there's actually a bunch of books so while I think part 1+2 of the movie adapt the first book, I think/hope there'll be more movies. There's 6 books by the original author and then his son wrote 12 more which from my understanding had a downgrade in quality but I can't speak to that since I haven't read them. Honestly I just hope there'll be a bunch more of these movies out of personal interest since this franchise is the only one that me and my dad share an interest in and I really enjoy going to the cinema with my dad lol.

Onno Smits

I know this is a weird thing to comment on here, but there are some GREAT board games based on Dune as well. Dune: Imperium (2020) is top of mind, also because its artwork actually utilizes the actors' likenesses from this movie. 😅

Marty McGee

Great reaction! One of my favorite movies of all time. This adaptation was really close to the book. Some characters were omitted, but most of them will be in part 2 I understand. A couple of plot points were omitted or barely shown as well. The book goes harder into the politics between the Emperium and the Landsraad (the major Houses other than the Emperor's). But all-in-all a great adaptation. I have to add that the scene in the tent where Paul uses the voice on his mother was such an experience at the theater with great surround sound. It shook the whole place! Jump scares are one thing, but I had such a visceral reaction going into the fetal position almost. LOL Denis Villenueve is really good at epic shots and large scales. He has always been a fan of the book and it shows. Combine that with Hans Zimmer and you get an incredible looking and sounding film. And when the source material is considered a masterpiece, it's no wonder it's such a great film all around. Thanks! Hopefully Part 2 should be out later this year or early next, but with the strike who knows.


Saw news yesterday that it's being pushed to March! I'm looking forward to Part 2.