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I'll input the episode titles later this week once they show up on Disney+.

Well, Ahsoka! Here we go - click here to watchalong. The reviews in these are the same that will go in the edited reaction. I don't know if I'm Star Wars fatigued or what, but I feel like I was doing a horrible job of recognizing things. 😂 All I will say is that I'm very much looking forward to the rest.

Let's talk about it!

Enjoy the watchalongs.

✦ KL




Looking forward to getting home from work to watch the episodes on their own and then the reactions. Gonna be a busy evening 😂


This show so far is a banger. I like the slower start, there was a lot to set up.


Overall the first two Episodes were really great (8/10 and 9/10). Personal Favorite is Elizabeh Winstead as Hera. She nailed the role amazingly. Calm, experienced, level headed, a great leader and role model, The COMPLETE opposite to Admiral Holdo(still get triggered when i think about her). Rosario was ok, which means she was great but i expected that from her after she played Ahsoka already and Dave should know how to write her. Natasha Liu Bordizzo also was great although the introduction of Sabine was boring and stereotypical imho but that was not her or Sabines fault. The writing was just, as i said, very stereotypical which is sad because Sabine has way more to offer than just being a rebellious, stubborn "i know everything and dont tell me what to do" Girl after all she went through and all the experience she has. She should have known better than that. Nevertheless just a minor bug imho. Thankfully it got better through the first Episode and was amazing in Episode 2. The Rogue Jedi (Rip Ray Stevenson) and his Padawan were great to watch and their entering Scene was really cool. Baylan reminds me of a mix between Darth Vader and Count Dooku. Imposing and intimidating like Vader and calm and level headed like Dooku. Little side note Ivanna Sakhno was a very pleasant surprise. Didnt knew a lot about her but she was very intruiging as Shin Hati. I will not go deeper into the Lore part cause i dont know what will come up later in the Show but let me say just this we had some nice details. Its so good to know that Sabine will probably (its more or less confirmed) replace Rey in Future Star Wars Projects. She is so more likeable and fleshed out. This is no hate against Daisy Ridley or Rey at all even if might read like that. It was always the writing (Queen of all Mary Sues) and the requirements from KK (the Force is female) that made Rey so stupid. That doesnt mean Sabine will not become a victim of Disneys//KK´s twisted Ideologies but Dave will have somethig to say in it i hope. Anyway, thanks KL for your effort to go through all to be ready for Ahsoka. You are amazing.


One last thing. I didnt liked the Fight choreography in Episode 2 when Ahsoka fought the Inquisitor and on of the HK´s. It didnt looked good at all but im not sure if it was because of the Lekkus or if the choregraphy was just not good.

Perry Campbell

I watched episode 2 again. I think I’m falling love Hera. I love her live action character. She is definitely my favorite. Such a strong character sigh


I really loved these two episodes. The actors fit great in comparison to their animated selves, they've grown and with that they are more adult than when we left them. Well, except Chopper who was just like we left him 😂❤️ Live-action Lothal looked amazing. I had no issue with the slow progression as I prefer a good story than instant gratification. I feel like the sceene when Ahsoka came back to pick up Sabine actually was the same scene as we ended Rebels with (been a while since I watched Rebels, so don't remember it excactly) 🥰 Just without any dialogue and Huyang. Also, even if it might be an issue to the casual viewer, I love the fact that there is no hand holding here. That it is assumed that you know the characters and the backstory.

Steve Mercier

Ahsoka...or live action Rebels? Either way, I'm fucking digging it so far. And the live action actors (so far)? *chef's kiss* Good shit.


I also like that we're just jumping right in and not getting much explanation of anything. And yes, slow progression is great to start off the series. Reminds me of Andor and I'm glad we're taking our time. Chopper was EXACTLY like we left him. 😂


i'm scrolling through the comments here, and it's cool to see everybody seem to have a different favorite character. it's sabine all the way for me. we got so lucky with natasha, she's embodying her so well. she has her look, she's so cool and badass but not invincible as we see. and she gives that classic snark when she's around others but you see her painful history in her eyes when she's alone. ugh, she's so good. i've seen some people complaining that she wouldn't be so immature or rebellious at this point and you're missing the subtext. she's grieving and feels lost. she lost a mentor in kanan, and a best friend in ezra days apart. she started an uprising on mandalore that resulted in the empire torching the planet, after finally reuniting with her estranged family. she may have lost them too after that. her claim to fame when she was younger was unwittingly building a mandalorian genocide weapon. ahsoka started training her and then bailed for some reason, so she probably feels like a failure. the empire is (mostly) gone so she no longer has the fight to keep her going. she's hurting and giving the world the middle finger is how that comes out for some people.

James M

Great react! It was fun watching along. I love all of the new characters, especially Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati. They have red-orange lightsabers vs pure red. Hmmm... Also, I love that Morgan is a nightsister. YES! I hope we see more of the nightsisters and how they are involved through Morgan, the various clues and the starmap. It seems Ahsoka is traumatized by Anakin and his attachment leading to his downfall. It's why she refused to train Grogu and perhaps why her relationship with Sabine fell apart. Ahsoka is more mature, calm, and steadfast, but she also has some wounds, and I love that her state now is complex.