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Hey all! Here's the next episode of Mando for you. I neglected to mention this in my thoughts section during/after the credits because I actually didn't consider this until the video was already exporting. This episode felt like a side quest to me, like from a video game. I think it was my mentioning Mass Effect during this reaction that probably made me think of that. 😂 

Looking forward to your comments! Thanks for watching.

Also sorry I had to put myself over Grogu in the thumbnail. 😢


✦ KL




I remember the first thing that popped into my head the first time I saw Grogu getting knighted was "Hence forth you shall be known as Ser Grogu - The Adorable" (in a sort of Revenge of the Sith / GoT / Holy Grail mix sort of way 🤪) Good thing you at least got the surprize of seeong "The Doc" without already knowing he was in this series. I quite enjoyed this episode, as it gives a lighthearted break from everything. Just some fun and goofy side quest. We had lots of those in Clone Wars so I don't see what's wrong with having them here. Also, it's nice to see a lush and seemingly prosperous planet in the outer rim, which previously have mostly portrayed lawless or somewhat impoverished worlds


Yes, I knew about Jack and Lizzo but had no idea about Chris! Such a great surprise. Agree with you on the lush and prosperous planet. It was fun to see so many aliens together having a fun lunch/dinner and everyone all dressed up and seemingly just having a good time.


i was so psyched they were delving into droid culture.. but then, ugh. star wars just cannot get their droid personhood stuff right. "that droid attacked us and then ran away! after din physically assaulted it several times! they're out of control!" and even worse still.. "we droids like being slaves. it's the least we can do." and mentioning that organic life spans are so short compared to them. since when? we see modern droids scrapped or in junk yards all the time. their deaths are usually played for laughs. r2 and chopper are notable exceptions in regards to getting their memories wiped routinely. they're slaves, and star wars still just doesn't know how to handle that fact. hopefully one day they'll do better with it..