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Heeelllooo! Okay first, how the heck is it August already? Summer really goes by way too fast, especially here in the land of Canucks. Though tbh, I'm ready for the heat to go away. 😂 I'm a cold weather girlie so as soon as it starts to feel like fall, I'm here for it!

Okay before I talk about the August schedule, I just want to say that I'm putting a temporary PAUSE on Breaking Bad and The Mandalorian because of my current sick state. While I feel good and working on the computer is no biggie, recording is a bit of a pain. I pushed it a little yesterday with Endgame and today my nose more plugged up which makes breathing and talking just super uncomfy. I'm not a mouth breather so when I'm forced to be, I don't have a good time. On the plus side, what I'm dealing with isn't even close to what I had in May which I'm super glad for. I do apologize for having to put these on pause. But I'll be firing reactions out as soon as I'm good to go. It should hopefully only be a day or two more. 🤞

The Member of the Month movie for July: IT (2007), will be coming out in August. I'm excited to do the August draw and see what the winner has in store for me. 🙈

Alright... August. You'll notice there are fewer reactions this month because next week I have some plans with friends and family - my final hurrah of the summer! These plans are from Aug 2-5, so no reactions slated for Aug 4 or 7 just because I won't have enough time for editing them. Reactions for Insiders will still go out during that time though.

YouTube Schedule:

  • Aug 14: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
  • Aug 18: Signs (2002) [Patreon Poll Winner by ONE PERCENT]
  • Aug 21: WandaVision BEGINS! 
  • Aug 25: Dune (2021) [YouTube Josh Brolin Poll Winner]
  • Aug 28: WandaVision Continues

The above watchalongs will come to Patreon ahead of the edits.

For All Tiers:

  • Ahsoka

This is a series that I'm going to edit and put on YouTube. The watchalongs to each episode will drop every week here on Patreon so we can chat about it, but the edits won't start appearing on the channel until the season is over. This gives me lots of time to edit and I might also combine more than one episode in a video. I'm super stoked to go through a new show with y'all again, a new show for all of us! 😊

For Insiders Tiers:

  • Breaking Bad Season 5
  • The Mandalorian Season 2
  • The Book of Boba Fett
  • The Mandalorian Season 3

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So what's the plan with the MCU?

In between Far From Home and Black Widow, I'm going to be taking a break from the films and diving into some of the TV series! I'm looking forward to this. I talked with some friends/my mods a few months ago about watch order and incorporating TV shows before certain movies. I'll be watching these shows (for YouTube), in this order:

  • WandaVision
  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
  • Loki Season 1
  • Ms. Marvel

Each edited video will contain a few episodes so that 1) We go through it faster and 2) My edited videos stay around the same length as a movie reaction would be. 

Black Widow and onward will begin towards the end of October. I anticipate that some of you might not care for MCU TV reactions, so you are totally free to take a break from my Patreon and come back when the movies resume again.

What about the other MCU TV series?

Once all the Star Wars things have wrapped up, I'll be incorporating the rest of the MCU shows for folks here on Patreon at the Insiders tiers and they'll be in that full-length watchalong format with reviews at the end. 

While I want to watch ALL of the shows, there are MANY so it's gonna take a while HAHA. These are the ones I'd like to watch first. They're not listed in the order I want to watch them, btw. Just listing them to list them.

  • Agent Carter
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Hawkeye
  • The Punisher
  • What If...?

With all of these kinda "extra" shows, I am not at all picky about watching them in their release or timeline order. I'm more or less just gonna choose the show based on what I feel like diving into OR I might throw out a poll for y'all and have you say what you want to see first! As always, I'll communicate out to you when I'm ready to dive in to these. 😊 It won't be for a while yet, but just wanted to share the plan.

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Okay phew I just said a LOT hahahaha. But I've been asked quite a bit lately about what the plan is for MCU now that the Infinity Saga is ending. So hopefully this has answered that question!

As always, appreciate you all so much for being here and leaving your comments and watching my reactions! For those of you that have already chatted a bit in the new LOUNGE feature that is over on the Patreon mobile app, thank you! I'm excited to use that for quick updates moving forward and a little built-in alternative to Discord.

Have the BEST weekend! ❤️


✦ KL



Marty McGee

Glad to see Agent Carter on your list! It often gets missed, but it's a really great look into the beginnings of SHIELD and Peggy's post-Steve life. Also glad to hear you'll hopefully watch Black Widow before Hawkeye. So excited for Dune. One of my favorite films of the last 10 years. A great film both on its own merits and as an adaptation of the book. Hope you enjoy it!


Hey everyone! I just realized I didn't schedule a movie for Aug 11. 😂 Even though I could, I'm actually gonna keep that clear and use the time to get ahead on recordings and maybe even some editing. This is something I've wanted to do for ages and haven't and I feel like now is my chance!