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Hello everyone! Here's the next chapter of The Mandalorian for you all to watchalong with me. Click here to do so. 

Really loved Mando in this episode and can't wait for more!

Thanks for watching with me!

✦ KL




One of my favourite things about The Mandalorin is the pacing. I totally can see why you'd need 3 episodes to get into it. I found that the overall the pacing makes it very refreshing to fast-paced franchise films. Can't wait for you to watch more ♥


This episode I think was very interesting. We know Mandalorians value honor over almost anything... At least some Mandalorians do, and this one very much seems to care about following some sort of code of honor. Here we have him being torn between honoring the Code of his job and his Mandalorian Code of honor. When talking to the Armourer, he mentions that the Child, despite being his "enemy" (his bounty), did save his life, so he owes something to the Child.


You make a great point with that! I think Mando is very honorable. And right now his honor is towards the kid. 😊