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Hi everyone! What a hectic weekend I've had working on this. So sorry that I haven't gotten anything else up for you all! I have some things recorded, but I haven't had a chance to post because getting this reaction ready and cleared has been a priority.

Copyright checks forced two parts on this for me, coming in at 28:58 and 29:00 for each part. I have also decided to put my review in a separate video because I did talk much longer than I usually do so the review comes in at 18:19. 




This will premiere tomorrow - Tuesday, July 11 at 13:00 MDT / 19:00 UTC - on the channel and all three videos will premiere one right after the other. 😊

Thanks for your patience! Big Hero 6 and Ant-Man and the Wasp this week along with the start of The Mandalorian and continuing through Breaking Bad for those of you in the Insiders tiers.

Please enjoy!

✦ KL




My reaction to your review: *sips tea* 🍵 Edit: Solid review. Some interesting predictions in there. 😉


The Russo Brothers writing this movie with Thanos as the protagonist was such a smart move. Brilliant move on their part.


Eventhough I'm a comicbook fan. I'm super glad they changed Thanos's motive for wanting to collect all of the infinity stones and perform the snap. I still love the Infinity Gauntlet storyline but the MCU version is way more interesting and compelling. They also kind of changed when in the story the snap happens. Which is awesome 👌🏼While watching this movie. I couldn't help but feel like this is the closest to a comicbook come to life. There were so many characters, many different locations, and so many things going on that it really felt like reading the different cells of a comic. Like, one moment you're in New York and the next you're in space with the Guardians but meanwhile this other thing is going on in Wakanda 🥲


That's awesome! I have never read comics in my life aside from the odd Archie comic when I was a kid. I'm interested in diving into some Marvel comics one day. Maybe once I'm all caught up!


You definitely should! Go back a read the movies you've already seen. Like Civil War and the Winter Soldier 😉 It's gonna be super different though.


Didnt had the time to write this down after your watch along but i really like Thanos cause i never saw him as a classic Villain. He experienced a traumatic Extinction with his own People after they didnt listened to him and so he came to the conclusion that the only way to prevent another Situation like this is to do whatever is necessary and why should he think others would listen if his own People wouldnt listen to him. I never had the impression that he was really evil but had a big ptsd problem. Its nice to write a villain that is not really evil and even to some extend relatable. Just imagine to what lenght you would go if we had the same problem here on Earth and that might happen way sooner then we think with the climate change.