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Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all have some awesome plans for your weekend. Let me know what you're getting up to in the comments. Here's another watchalong for you! This episode was super fun!

Thanks for being here and we'll see you next week for more episodes!


✦ KL



Andrew Sitek

I believe I had commented before at some point about the TIE defender being Thrawn's proposal to the emperor, counter to Krennic's Death Star. This is a good background reason to have Thrawn so invested in Lothal and why he keeps showing up. The Death Star is obviously an intimidating weapon, but a fleet of TIE defenders is pretty scary as well. With this episode we find out that they have hyperdrives which means they can really go wherever and come out of nowhere whereas normal TIEs are always launched from a larger ship It's been a bit of a gradual change, but the last few episodes it's been very evident that Kanan is just different. We know he learned to "see things differently" with Bendu but just the way he acts, his calmness, not getting worked up over things, etc is a noticeable change from Kanan in seasons 1-2 and even parts of 3. The last couple episodes there have been times where someone he's with is concerned or worried or upset and he's like "it'll be fine", "they'll be fine", "i trust them to figure it out" whereas he was that person freaking out in earlier seasons. You could make the argument that Ezra gets a lot of the focus as the most "main" character in the show, but I feel like Kanan's development has been gradual and a bit under the radar that all of a sudden you realize "hey, why is he so calm and not worrying anymore?". Dave Filoni loves wolves. He's admitted it, they're involved in whatever he's doing in some way (Plo being his favorite jedi, his clones were under Wolf and the wolf pack), so it makes sense to bring in some wolves in here. This also continues the theme we see throughout Star Wars of nature fighting back against the Empire. We see it in Episode 6, we see it many times in clone wars, in Andor, etc. What the Empire does is unnatural (RIP Nemik), so nature will try to restore balance, in this case helping Ezra and Sabine between the Loth cats (we've seen a few times) and the wolf. One of my favorite Star Wars themes


Thanks for pointing out Kanan's behaviour, because to be completely honest I didn't actually notice it. That's how gradual it's been. To me, he's acted as he has for a *while* now, it's almost hard to remember how he was in Season 1. Agree on the animal theme, it's really great.


I'm pretty sure they only dagged the hypeerdrive after Ezera said a thing about the cave/white loth cat. Earlier it sure looks like they pick it up fully.


Yeah maybe. I just noticed a LONG line of messed up dirt leading up to the cave entrance, so that had me concerned the Empire would see it. I am probably just being paranoid LOL.