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That's all I have to say. Join me for this watchalong! 

And I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this episode! See you tomorrow for another one.


✦ KL



Andrew Sitek

Just when you think you know where the episode is going, it takes a turn. I think I've said it in a previous comment but this is prime Rebels. I don't want to say Thrawn elevates the show THAT much because the rest of the show is still great, but he definitely brings that element of psychological warfare and that just provides more stressful situations for our "good guys". A unique villain that is always seemingly a few steps ahead.


That was one of the great episodes in Rebels. To be honest, you gotta respect how brave Kallus is, even if a bit foolish. Working as a double agent is one of the riskiest jobs you can have. Even if he assumes that he is safe for now (which we know he is not), he still can be compromised in the future, and he has seen how hard it was to get him out this time... To be honest, if you think about it, when he was working for the Empire, going after Jedi while not being force sensitive himself is also kind of foolishly brave, so that's consistent, LOL.


Yeah Kallus isn't the smartest, but I really admire him now. It's realistic to be sucked into the way of the Empire and then realize later that it's not all it's cracked up to be and work to try to do some good. So excited to see what comes of all this.