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Any classic movie lovers in here? 👀 

The movie that our winner, Mark B, picked for the May draw is A Patch of Blue, from 1965. If you haven't heard of this movie or you have but have never gotten a chance to watch it, I would encourage you to join me for this watchalong. Click here to do so! 

I'll be thinking about this movie for a while. 😊 Thank you again SO much Mark for making me watch this one for the MotM pick this month.

I didn't address any of this in my review of the film, but I do want to acknowledge that this movie is definitely a product of its time and is certainly not perfect, especially when looking at it from a 2023 perspective and speaking as someone who is very socially progressive. With my limited knowledge of Hollywood in the 60s, it seems to me that they were at least trying their best to acknowledge the Civil Rights Movement that had been ongoing at the time and doing so through some scripts and films and I think this movie was definitely one of them. At the same time, they were also probably trying to satisfy white audiences, so they likely couldn't always go 100% in the directions they maybe wanted to, if you understand what I'm saying.

I'm really excited to read your comments about this movie!  

Please enjoy! ❤️

And have the best day!

✦ KL



Allen Bond

I'm a classic movie lover!


Noice! An excellent choice!!


Definitely a classic movie lover. There are a lot of all time greats from way back.


Thank you Mark for picking such a classic and thank you KL for being open to watching older movies, especially b&w movies. My old school Hollywood loving Mother made sure I was exposed to all the classics in my youth, A Patch of Blue was always one of my favorites.


I'm excited to see more cause I have only seen 3 movies from the 60s and earlier! Including this one. 😅


I am definitely open to watching more! They're just trickier to put on the channel, that's all. At least with my current size. The nice thing is these reactions can always be edited 3 years from now if I feel like it. 😅 I love that you were exposed to all the classics. I haven't seen very many from the 60s and earlier.

Jason Chirevas

When I was a senior in high school, our economics teacher took us to see CASABLANCA for its 50th anniversary. Nothing to do with economics, he just wanted us to see it. It changed my life. I loved every second of the movie — it confirmed for me I wanted to spend my life writing — and it unlocked the world of classic movies for me. By the end of that summer, I’d made the first inroads into discovering movies that are on my all-time top 10. Today, I’ve probably seen nearly as many movies from before I was born as I have those made after. It’s one of my favorite things about me. I think the main reason I got into reaction videos a year or so ago is I love seeing other people explore and the make some of the discoveries I did over that first summer after high school and every year since. It’s as rewarding an endeavor as I am aware.

Mark Bukumunhe

I'd forgotten how emotional this movie made me feel (in a good way :) as it's been at least fifteen years since I saw this movie. On a related tangent, my dad resembles Mr Poitier a bit... albeit a couple of inches shorter. They are, or would, be about the same age too tho mum and dad are still alive and well and happy being pensioners. I should visit actually, it's been a few weeks. Take care.


I'm so happy you enjoyed this Mark and thanks again! The emotions got me too during this movie. You should definitely go visit your parents, I'm sure they'd love to see you. 😊

Tyler Foster

Obviously, since I watched this movie for the first time along with this reaction, I won't have as much to say, but a couple of things you mentioned in the reaction: When Poitier (Pwa-tee-ay) is late the first day, she knows because the clock bell tolls once, informing her it's 1pm and that he's an hour behind. Also, I think maybe you figured it out, but when he says he's "marketing," he means "going to the market." You also found out while reading the Wikipedia entry, but the box copy on the Blu-ray I picked up also mentioned that Elizabeth Hartman won a Golden Globe for the movie. You mentioned doing classic movies as Patreon exclusives. If it doesn't add *too* much work to your schedule, maybe in addition to the Member Pick of the Month, you could also do a monthly poll for one movie made in 1969 or earlier, as the 1970s generally marking the beginning of what we think of as "contemporary" Hollywood with the rise of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, and the subsequent creation of the "blockbuster." You could cycle through the decades chronologically and then loop back once you'd gone from 1920 to 1960.


I'll definitely consider that! Hopefully I can make the time. I'm hoping that once I am super comfortable with Resolve that it results in a bit more free time.