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Helloooo! 👋 So for some reason my Vault channel did not want to process this watchalong at all and I tried 3 times before giving up and trying to put it on my main channel, which it worked on. I'll have to figure that out, so as a heads up the YouTube link in the post for this WILL change whenever I can finally get it processed on the Vault channel.

Anywho, it's time to pick up the MCU again and here is the watchalong for GotG Vol. 2! Will I like this more than the first one? You'll have to watch to find out! This was definitely the biggest question on my mind going into this movie.

Excited to read your comments!


✦ KL





Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

I really do love this movie, think they did a great job at introducing this whole cosmic aspect of the MCU without being too overwhelming it's set in the Andromeda Galaxy with Empire's and alien species that don't really show up with any major events in the Milky Way and Earth so it's a fun disconnected ride from what's happening in to MCU at the moment. So one big change they made with the MCU Starlord is Peter's Dad. in the comic's Peter Dad is the Emperor of Spartax meaning Peter is royalty when he met his Dad he referred to him as a "Starlord" and it pretty much stuck. While the MCU changed this by having Ego the Living Planet be his father. That Stan Lee cameo is funny but it's actually really important and answers so many questions lol This kind of confirms that Stan Lee is actually close friends with Uatu the Watcher, a member of an ancient race of observers charged with keeping up to the minute on all happenings on the planet Earth, The large baby face looking guys. The Watcher's also oversee the multiverse as well so this could explain why we see Stan Lee across all Marvel IPs from video games to movies, shows, and animation, of course stuff beyond the MCU. The members you see at the end with Stallone are pretty much the original Guardians of the Galaxy roster with Stallone himself being the character known as Starhawk. The original guardians existed in an alternated universe set in the far-off future of the 31st Century separate from the Earth-616 comic Guardians. But with this MCU rendition they simply brought them into the modern day and the same universe as the Guardians of the Galaxy we know and love making them come before our team as like a older group of hero's. No idea if this is a set up for the new movie or maybe a TV series which i would lol Stallone as the star of a MCU series would be pretty fun. Overall fun movie, Guardians may be my new favourite MCU trilogy now after the third film released. Captain American Trilogy comes in at a close second.


That was a fun reaction, I really loved this movie, was planning on doing dishes while watching and just ended up sitting down. Really hoping you get better like back to 100% soon, but glad you're back both with these movies and the show reactions. I think less people like this, but i prefer this movie to the first mostly cos of the father son stuff, one of the neat things about the MCU though is it's diversity, the way you feel about this movie i felt about Dr. Strange. Most of these movies are someones favourite. Thank you so much for the reaction :)

Tyler Foster

I haven't watched this video, so maybe you had a different experience, but I'll be waiting for the short edit because this is far and away my least-favorite movie in the MCU by a significant margin. To me, this takes a movie I had reservations about (the original Guardians) and falls victim to so many of the problems that plague traditional sequels -- it's unnecessarily bombastic to try and up the ante, it indulges itself in many of the things I thought were best enjoyed in moderation in the original (Groot, Rocket, Drax, and Yondu). If the heart of the confrontation between Gamora and Nebula is a conversation, do we need to spend 10 minutes on a fairly boring special effects sequence leading into it? How many Drax jokes are too many? How many times is the movie going to draw it out its attempts to pull on the heartstrings? And worse, am I supposed to care or is the movie going to do the self-deprecating thing and turn it into a joke? I also reserve a personal measure of displeasure for the scene where one of my all-time favorite oldies songs, "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" is used to great subtextual effect, and then for some reason the characters sit around and explain it in aggravating detail for the audience, rendering the scene annoying and the use of the song inelegant. Hate it! Hopefully you had a better time than I did though!


Happy to see you feel better. Volume 2 never clicked with me and i cant tell why.(i dont say its bad at all) Kurt Russell is great, the Humour is there and Nebula is joining the band, also the story is ok with the focus on Peter. Ego is just not that exciting to me as a Villain and a Movie stands and falls with the Villain. Still happy to see you liking it.


I love this movie, I am so glad you enjoyed it more than the first one. The very final post credit scene of this movie always breaks my heart, Stan Lee saying "Aw jeez, I have so many more stories to tell". I'm sure you know he died in 2018 and he was actually working on another completely original and non-Marvel story shortly prior, so he did in fact still have stories to tell. The book came out after his passing and was called "Alliances - A Trick of Light". It was pretty good. And I imagine he would have had more stories to tell.


Without going into too much, I enjoyed the story of this one more than the first, but once again the humour was just *a lot* at times and not in the good way. "How many Drax jokes are too many?" is enough to sum that up LOL.


Yeah, I know we're getting to his last cameo here pretty soon, which makes me a little sad. I loved his cameo's in this movie!


Oh my gosh, the video finally went through on the Vault channel. I've updated the link on my site. I'll keep the other link up for the rest of the day and then I'll remove it.

Sean H

I personally just adore this movie and the guardians movies as a whole, volume 3 which recently released made both of the previous 2 movies SOOOOO much better than they already were. With that being said tho, they’re obviously not everyone’s cup of tea, and I totally get why given the more serious main MCU, and I totally get it! I personally love both but the guardians just hold such a special place in my heart ❤️ Loved this reaction, KL, a very relaxed one this time which I really appreciate after my hectic day today 😆


Glad you enjoyed the reaction Sean! I'm eager to see the third one. Will be a while from now, but I am patient LOL.


I’m one of those who prefer this to Vol. 1. The family theme that is everywhere in this movie (Peter and Ego, which was too good to be true…, The Guardians crew, Peter and Gamora, Nebula and Gamora, The other Ravagers coming back together) is what sells it. And also can’t avoid mentioning baby Groot. Mantis is just adorable and considering she has no experience with other people, her naive and awkward behavior is played excellently. The way I approach the Guardians movies is to look at them as live-action cartoons. That way the dumb jokes doesn’t take me too much out of the story.

Steve Mercier

I love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but totally respect your lack of love for them. Ronan the Accuser (the villain from the first movie) was not particularly great, but I think the overall structure of Vol. 1 just worked better. Vol. 2, I love the focus on the family dynamics, and especially Yondu's send-off. Vol. 3 is now officially my favorite of the three, and is up there with my favorites of the MCU.


For me it's pretty hard to rank all three GOTG movies cause they're all really good. I do remember still liking Vol 1 better after seeing Vol 2 a bunch of times. Now, I might prefer Vol 2 over Vol 1 or vice versa depending on my mood. I love all the new characters Vol 2 introduces and just like Vol 1. It's still a roller-coaster of emotions.


That's a good way of approaching it. I think even if I did that, a lot of the jokes still wouldn't really work for me. I think I said after the first Guardians movie that a lot of the humour felt very teenager-y to me, or even pre-teen. And I still feel that way about a lot of the jokes in Vol 2. But I loved the story, just like you said about the family theme.

Nicholas Bielik

I was just talking with a friend of mine today, and we were talking about how the Guardians films serve as a sort of deconstruction of toxic masculinity. They’re also tremendous fun. Rocket is a favorite of mine and has been since I discovered him in the pages of a Hulk comic book when I was twelve (this was a long time ago).