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Hey all! Here's the next episode of Rebels for you. Click here to watchalong. A pretty cool episode, if I do say so. 👀

Excited to hear your thoughts on this!

✦ KL



Khan Battle

Ezra has always been a very, I guess, relatable character to me in some ways in how he's dealt with loss and tries to move past it. I lost my dad in a car crash, out of the blue completely unexpectedly. From your point of view perhaps Ezra's comments seem selfish or harsh, as he isn't trying to be empathetic to Sabine's situation, but wants her to feel worse for him. Maybe it even seems like trauma dumping. I don't think that's what he's doing. From my point of view Ezra is pointing out correctly that she has a chance to do something about her family situation, though it may be difficult and challenging, the possibility is still there. For us who have lost parents, or any loved ones for that matter, we simply do not have that possibility, that's gone. When you're hit with the reality it simply isn't comparable to anything else, it makes other problems seem minute by comparison (I'm not saying this makes it a valid reaction to downplay someone else's problems either). It is easy to be upset when we see other people do what we may perceive to be squandering their opportunities to make things right. Of course, this isn't true for each and every situation, but one person's situation has possibilities and the other's doesn't.


Great points here, thanks for sharing! Also so sorry about the loss of your dad.


Great episode! To was nice watching that with you. As you know I’m not a huge Rebels fan but certain episodes I’ve seen multiple times and this is one of them. Loved seeing Sabine let all the pent up feelings out. Overall a standout episode in the show.