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Hello everyone! March was a pretty wonderful month and I'm excited to talk about it and share some things! First, welcome in to all the new patrons that joined during the month of March! This is my monthly newsletter that I write at the beginning of every single month where I share a ton of information and insight into things and provide updates for what is to come ahead. I always want to be as open and transparent as possible, and many folks here find value in these newsletters and being "involved" in the behind-the-scenes of the channel and stream. It also provides some different content here to sprinkle in between everything else and I really enjoy writing these and sharing. Thank you for being here! 💙

  • # of Videos: 54 total (⬆) - 9 public videos (⬆), 10 shorts (⬆), 1 live stream (=), and 34 for Patreon (⬆)
  • Impressions: 3,699,359 (⬆)
  • Total Channel Views: 160,051 (⬆)
  • Views on February's Videos: 101,724 (63.56%) (⬆)
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): 2.9% (⬇)
  • Watch Time: 41,923.60 hours (⬆)
  • Average % Viewed*: 31.5% (⬇)
  • Unique Viewers: 66,202 (⬆)
  • Net New Subscribers: 1,009 (⬇)

The symbols beside each data point indicate if the figures are up or down relative to the previous month. If there is an equal sign, there is no change.

* This data point tells me how much of a video that a viewer watched. Because my videos are longer, I like my percentage to be around 30%.

I am super pleased with how March went overall! Some awesome movies, more MCU and The Last of Us, and a superedit which was a fun challenge and very rewarding! And I had another brand integration that was on the Spaceballs reaction and that video has performed way better than I expected it would. So I'm glad that I ended up putting it on that video in particular. (It's stressful figuring out what videos to put integrations on.) And finally, I had my first COLLAB reaction go out in March too!

In the last newsletter, I said the channel was at 14,650 subs and we are now at 15,750. A lot of new subs came in from the Aliens reaction, which was cool to see.

  • Favourite Movie: Aliens
  • Favourite Reaction: It's a tie between Lethal Weapon with OGB because of how much fun we had, and the Star Wars Supercut because of how impactful it is for me and the editing process and final result was very rewarding for me
  • Highest Liked Reaction: The Last of Us Episodes 5 + 6 (both are at 99.5%)
  • Lowest Liked Reaction: Spaceballs (97.4%) - Like Guardians of the Galaxy last month, not a huge deal because I still got over 1,000 likes on it!

I shared the April schedule the other day, which you can see here. A lot of you commented how stacked this schedule is and when I look at it, I feel the same. I'm SO excited for so many of these movies and reactions. It's going to be a good month.

I don't have any more sponsored videos lined up now at all, so I'll be putting in some work to try to get more of those in the coming months. I don't know if I'll have time this month, but in May I will certainly be setting aside some time for that.

Throughout this month there will be polls to decide May movies. Although as a heads up, I have decided to take the first week of May off from recording and editing. I need a break as I haven't had one since Christmas and even though I loved March and I'm so excited for April, I've started to get some signs of burn out. I don't believe I will have time to pre-record/edit anything to post that week while I'm taking my break, so there'll probably just be nothing going out at all. But I'll keep y'all posted on that.

IMPORTANT: Early Insiders Discounted Tier (Limited Spots)

This tier has reached the point where it is either Sold Out or nearly full for the majority of the month. First, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for that. It means the world!

I would like to remind you that if you are currently pledged in this tier and you process a Cancellation of your membership, your spot becomes available immediately for anyone else to claim even though you are still Active. 

What this means is that if you intend on staying at that tier for a while, it's VERY important that you do not cancel your membership. I know a lot of people don't like auto-renewals, and that's one of the main reasons why people cancel. But with this tier specifically, there is no guarantee that there'll be room for you to re-pledge if you cancel. You may be forced to switch tiers when it comes time to renew. So please keep that in mind.


Breaking Bad is the first series where you can now find all of the reactions on my website instead of having to use my spreadsheet. I will be working on Rebels next and then The Bad Batch. As I'm doing this, I am also working on the Star Wars films (re-editing the watchalongs). I just got The Phantom Menace fixed and transferred the other night. 

It's important to me that there is are no missing reactions at any point during this transfer so that if anyone wants to go back and watch old stuff, it will still be there in some way, whether it's the old way or the new.

Thank you for your patience while I do this behind-the-scenes.


  • Annual Memberships: If you feel like you're gonna be here for a while and you want to save some money and also ensure immediate qualification into the Member of the Month draw, you can switch from monthly to annual at any time and save 10% on your membership. You can do this in your Membership settings.
  • Discord Server: This is the best place to say hello to me every single day and interact with other people in the community in real-time instead of just through Patreon comments. Sync your Discord account in your Patreon settings and you'll be auto-joined into my server. Please reach out to me if you need assistance with getting into the server.

Member of the Month:

I haven't shared the reaction for March's movie yet (The Batman), but it will be coming this week and I'm dedicating a Friday in May for it to go on the channel.

The April MotM draw will be shared this Friday, April 7th. 😊 Please remember to check your account to make sure your pledges are up-to-date. I no longer send out Declined Payment reminder DM's to folks.

- - - 

These aren't Patreon specific, but they're not IRL upates either really... so they're gonna get put here.

I announced on socials and to my Twitch community that I have officially taken a step back from the platform and closed the chapter on my 3+ year streaming journey there. Read the announcement here.

I have made some adjustments to my Discord server to prepare it for public opening. In the past, I only ever let in people that I recognized through Twitch, Patreon, or elsewhere. Now that I won't be streaming on Twitch, it makes sense to allow YouTube viewers to come hang out in there. I'll be sharing the invite out sometime this week on YouTube and on socials.

March was pretty chill for me in the IRL world, but I did have a packed weekend in the middle of the month celebrating two birthdays: my friends 40th and my dads birthday! I am getting more and more introverted as I get older, but it is still nice to be able to be social with friends and family and ideally for me these days it's always nice when I can have social plans in the same weekend like that. 😅

I also got to hang out with my niece for a while. She'll be two years old in July, so she's finally at the age where she really knows me now. For the first time, I experienced the feeling of a kid refusing to let you leave the house. 🤣 It took me 20 minutes to leave my brothers house. That was a fun experience.

I got my hair done last Monday, which was badly needed and I am loving being a brunette again. Upkeeping the kind of blonde I had is so expensive and not something that I can afford nor do I want to really pay for anymore.

Finally, a reminder that I'll be getting some content out very soon on my new gaming YouTube channel: kale plays. I'll be providing you all with Early Access benefits to those videos too as I make them. Naughty Dog is putting out a big patch on Tuesday this week and then I plan to test out The Last of Us and see how it runs on my PC. The port has been an awful nightmare so I haven't even played the game yet.

The IRL thing I'm looking forward to the most this month is going to the Calgary Expo, happening Apr 27-30. Not just because my bestest friend is joining me for some of it, but because on the 29th is when I get to meet THE Hayden Christensen and I'm pumped. The newsletter covering April will be great, cause I will def be sharing pictures within that. 😊 Make sure you're following me on Instagram and Twitter too!

- - - 

That about covers it for March! Thanks so much for reading, as always. Thank you for your support and patience. As of writing this, we've hit a new Patreon Member all-time high which is incredible. I appreciate you all so much!

I am wishing the best April for you all. ❤️





Question, I’m in the early insider tier. Do I get entered into the member of the month? Happy to see things are steadily improving with new subs on YouTube!


All tiers are part of it, folks just have to have pledged upfront for a whole year OR have paid 6 months of pledges. You've qualified for every one so far and your name was in the wheel each time!