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Hi everyone! The watchalong to this film has been shared. 😊 Have an epic rest of your weekend! Please enjoy... I know many of you were looking forward to this.

PS. HD processing still happening on the video. It's absurdly slow on the KL's Vault channel. 🫠


✦ KL




this is easily my favourite marvel movie, every time i watch it i notice another detail, another piece of care they put into this that really amplifies my love for it, there are also some awesome theories that i LOVE floating around. for example when Peter catch's Bucky's arm and says "you have a metal arm, thats so cool" you can see Bucky look surprised, and the next shot you see Bucky dropping his punch he was prepping, showing that as soon as Bucky heard it was a kid, he calmed down. showing what kind of person Bucky is compared to the Winter Soldier. I also love all the discussions about the accords, because despite what a lot of people say, i agree with you that its very much a muddy decisions, my conclusion after all these years, Stark is right, Steve is also right, but Steve keeping the critical info to himself instead of seeking help is what swings it to Stark imo, Stark isnt 100% blameless of course but thats not the argument. so to summarise, Stark is right, but Steve is Morally right, but his actions are not, but i love how this is still an ongoing debate, it shows how nuanced it is and that ending, it was amazingly well done, the second tony says "i know that road" everything clicked and my jaw dropped. it stayed dropped till that whole scene ended. i also love the fact that Black Panther went in to kill Zemo, and decided to save his life, it really shows his character and i love it. loved you're reaction, cant wait to see the next as always!

Tyler Foster

Video's not over so you probably look into all this, but Brock Rumlow aka Crossbones (Frank Grillo) was from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, where he played a main member of Cap's SHIELD team, until he was revealed to be Hydra (he's in the famous elevator fight scene). General "Thunderbolt" Ross (William Hurt) first appeared way back in The Incredible Hulk. He is the father of Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), the on/off girlfriend of Banner/Hulk.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Spider-Man: Oh yeah Spider-Man showing up was insane people went mental at the cameo in the Civil War Trailer. For legal reasons with Sony owning his movies rights they simply couldn't introduce Spider-Man into the MCU unless Sony agreed. Reactions to Spider-Man in the Civil War Trailer - https://youtu.be/GwXAPRZkTl8 Andrew Garfield could've been the MCU Spider-Man as when The Amazing Spider-Man 2 VFX's were being worked on Marvel came to Sony to see if they could add The Avengers tower into the Manhattan Skyline connecting The Amazing Spider-Man films to the MCU but they were close to finished so it never happened. With Amazing Spider-Man 2 being pretty mixed Kevin came to Amy Pascal who is a producer and executive for Sony Pictures. Kevin pretty much said that this wasn't going well and recommended the idea that maybe they could introduce Spider-Man into the MCU something Kevin has been trying to do for years. Sony finally agreed and Spider-Man was able to show up in Civil War and later in his own MCU Spider-Man movies that are co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios, distributed by Sony Pictures which is why you'll see the Sony Logo when you watch them. In terms of Tom Holland he's a very good Peter Parker and Spider-Man. The big difference being his connection to Tony Stark and how he pretty much kick started his career as Spider-Man from developing 15 year old Peter a high tech suit to going up against the Avengers in a civil war conflict. This all felt very mature Spider-Man in his early 20s so I know alot of people were not too big on this aspect and preferred Spider-Man to start out low tech and Independent from The Avengers and then make his way up after a few years Spider-Man. Comic Intro: - SPOILER FOR COMIC Some notes about the differences between the Comic Civil War and the MCU. In the comic The New Warriors (Night Thrasher, Namorita, Speedball, and Microbe) battle a group of villains (Cobalt Man, Speedfreek, Coldheart, and Nitro all B and C list Villains and hero's) in Stamford, Connecticut, while filming a reality television show. Nitro explodes, killing more than 600 people (including school children and all of the New Warriors except Speedball). The rest of the superheroes appear in Stamford to search for survivors from X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic Four, and other solo hero's, The X-Men are overseen by Sentinels. The Superhero Registration: The Superhero Registration Act comes into play with many hero's agreeing to sign after what happened in Stamford while other hero's decide not to sign as that would mean registering with the federal government as a "human weapon of mass destruction," reveal their true identity to the authorities, and undergo training. Iron man is pro signing while Captain America is anti signing same as the film. The Sokovia Accords: - Similar to the Superhero Registration Act The MCU instead of the The Superhero Registration Act we have the The Sokovia Accords. The Avengers Will No Longer Be A Private Organization And Are Subject To Government Oversight, No Superhero Is Allowed To Operate Outside Of Their Own Country Without UN Approval, Using Superpowers To Break The Law Or Engage In Vigilante Activity Means Indefinite Detention Without Trial, The Use Of Technology To Grant Superpowers Will Be Regulated, Section 36B: The Creation Of Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence Is Prohibited. But it's cool how the MCU adapted the idea of Civil War for the MCU linking it to it's own lore and history. Would've liked to see more hero's involved but at the same time smaller group made it more easy to develop each character and put focus on them. The comic benefited from decades worth of characters so naturally the comic has more characters while the film is more Avengers focused. Overall love this comics and the movie itself just really solid.


Early in your reaction you said you were leaning toward Tony and Natasha. I would suggest that, in the future, if you are in doubt about a direction to go, always always side with Captain America.


We love nuanced and big issues like this! I agree that Steve keeping info to himself was not great.


I feel very silly for not remembering them both. 🤣 Oh well. Thanks Tyler!

Tyler Foster

Okay, this is definitely a personal bugaboo, and not necessarily something I think you were playing into, but one thing that I find very important to note, because I think it's important to provide credit where credit's due, is that Sony remains the creative driver behind Spider-Man movies on all fronts. Feige is now involved with the development process, making sure the movies fit into the MCU's overall plans, as well as guiding them on tone and history of the character and world that the movies draw on, and he jointly approves major decisions, like the appointing of Tom Holland to the role for this film, and the selection of directors and writers for the films, but Amy Pascal and the people at Sony develop the stories, are responsible for selecting said actors/directors/writers for said approval, and make the movies largely on their own. There is a weird (and to me, annoying) sense that Sony now just sits back and collects checks while Marvel does all the work, when the division of work is almost exactly what you would expect when one studio is making the movie (Sony) and another is advising (Marvel) -- and both Feige and Pascal have discussed this publicly. Furthermore, there is the great animated Spider-Man movie from 2018, Into the Spider-Verse, which is not part of the MCU, and which Marvel had even less involvement in. I don't want to set any expectations for the Spider-Man movies, so I won't go into specifics, but while I understand the people who dislike certain Spider-Man movies, and Sony deserves the blame, I also don't think it's rational the way some MCU fans think that Sony should feel obligated to let go of the character just because they as the audience like Marvel, especially when they don't respect the part that Sony plays in the "good ones." Again, not saying you did that -- this is definitely a pet peeve of mine...but I still wanted to say something.


☺️☺️☺️KL being cutely distracted by Chris Evans physic in Age of Ultron. 😁😁😁 Me knowing about the helicopter scene in Civil War. This movie is near flawless. While I will always claim Team Cap, I absolutely understand all sides of the conflict in this movie. It is always fun to watch and hear people’s reactions and thoughts about this movie, because no one is completely in the right or wrong. Zemo falls more in the wrong with his willingness to take innocent lives in his quest for vengeance, but even he has sympathetic reasoning for his actions. I really enjoyed your reaction to Tony blasting Bucky’s arm off. It is symbolic to me, with that blast, Tony did actually “kill” The Winter Soldier and in some way helped to free Bucky just a little bit more of the literal weight of the last 70+ years that he has spent being a tortured prisoner of war and mind controlled weapon for Hydra. Top tier reaction to a top tier movie!


Speaking of wardrobe, can we all thank whoever decided to dress a ripped Sebastian Stan in that tight red henley 🥵🥵🥵


The helicopter scene was peak. 😅 And great point about Tony and Bucky's arm!

Steve Mercier

This and Captain America: Winter Soldier cemented Captain America as my favorite of the Marvel characters (although...Black Widow is always secretly my true favorite). The man out of time who fights the fight that needs fighting: regardless of who needs to be fought. I love--as you pointed out--that no one in this movie is truly right or truly wrong. I think I lean towards Cap; but that might have more to do with my love for the character than his side of things--because I agree with him; but also see Tony's side as well. Anyway, loved the reaction. Good shit.


Everyone has such good qualities about them that it's hard to pick a favourite, but yeah Steve is certainly up there. I love the dilemma this movie presents cause my feeling and opinion changed over time and as we got new information. Which I love. Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed it!

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Oh 100% Sony is amazing and there work with the MCU is very much a team effort only difference being they're now under a connected universe. Just stating how Kevin came to Amy after the mixed views on the Amazing Spider-Man sequal. But Into the Spider-Verse is a great example of Sony doing amazing things with Spider-Man in the last few years.

Perry Campbell

Great reaction told u were going to freak out. I guess something is wrong with my iPhone, you seemed not in perfect focus or fuzzy. My eyes always get a bit Water, when tony sees his family get killed by Barnes sigh.


My guess is that YouTube put your resolution down on the video so instead of watching in 1080p, maybe you were watching in 460p. That's my only guess as I didn't notice myself get out of focus at all during the edit.

Morgan Bridgland

I really liked seeing Sebastian Stan speaking Romanian, considering he was born in Romania. Small nods like that make me appreciate the MCU movies. Also really loved the Spiderman/Tony Stark scenes, especially the scene with Aunt May. Apparently RDJ and Marisa Tomei dated back in the 90s for a while after working on a movie together; also no Pepper Potts makes me happy. I think if PP was played by a different actress and not Gwyneth Paltrow (who I find to be rather problematic), I'd care more about the whole Tony/Pepper thing. I'm definitely Team Stark, but could definitely see why Cap was doing what he did. Great reaction as always KL x


Sweet movie, great story, amazing action. I’d be on Caps side about signing the accord and I think Banner and Thor both would be too. I really feel for Tony though. I know it’s unfair to blame Bucky but at the end of the day he should be held responsible. Kinda shitty Cap didn’t tell Tony about how his parents died. Definitely ruined the trust between them. Thanks for the reaction and can’t wait to continue the MCU journey with you.


Glad you had a good time! I also feel for Tony and I understand what he was getting at too with the whole Accords thing. Why I'm not firmly on one side or the other.