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Hi everyone! Okay soooo I want a purrgil now. They're so dang cool! That said, I had to use this particular shot for the thumbnail because it's rad. I had a lot of fun with this episode so I hope that you enjoy this reaction! Here's the direct link to the watchalong.

Thanks so much for watching! 💜

✦ KL

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Up Next: Episode 2x16 - Homecoming 




This episode is the first time Purgil show up in any book, show, etc. And I also am a fan of the Space Whales 🐋! They really do feel like Massive illusive beasts that lurk in the depths of space. They captured the mysterious and almost Lovecraftian nature of the Purgil really well. I love the visual detail that they have very muted or dull coloration when low of Gas, but gain beautiful blue, gold, and purple colors after they have a snack! And the fact that Purgil can jump through hyperspace is just SO COOL! I love the idea of people in the galaxy seeing the Purgil do this and then they invented the hyperdrive to mimic the Purgil. But it happened SO LONG AGO that it’s sorta a Myth that the Purgil inspired the first Hyperdrive technology. We’ve seen 3 space dwelling species before now in the Exogorth Worm in the Empire Strikes Back, another type of Space Whale in the Malevolence ARC in Season 1 of Clone Wars, and then the Sumoverminoth during the Kessel Run in Solo, so it’s really cool to see a deep space, hyperspace Whale! And then Ezra is definitely growing powerful in terms of connecting to other living things, definitely Beasts and Animals, but he also could sense thing’s surrounding his parents and the Lothal Senator that betrayed them. Rebels is just such an expansive show and I love it for all the weird and interesting things it brings to Star Wars.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

I'm vibing with the yellow Tie Fighters. TIE/mg Mining Guild starfighter were used of course by the Mining Guild who were allowed to use the Tie Fighter in association with the Galactic Empire like we see in this episode. They had a notch cut in their stabilizers, giving them only eight solar collectors which looks pretty cool Just to make them distinct from the ones in direct service to the Empire. Purgil's are such a fun concept which Justin pretty much covered. But I know there's some people who hate them something I can understand as not everyone's a big fan of the more weird and interesting aspects of Star Wars and prefer the more grounded aspects. While other fans prefer the more magical and weird aspects and find the grounded stuff boring. But I personally love both sides of the galaxy it just expands what's possible in the Star Wars universe and shows that there's still parts we the viewer don't understand or know about the galaxy, same goes with the people who live in it. The grounded stuff like Rogue One. These more grounded shows and movies make the Jedi, Force, and ancient beasts seem much more mysterious and powerful in comparison when we've seen the avenge life's of the people who live in the galaxy so I welcome all this weirdness.


Well said Dylan! Grounded stories, weird and Wacky, or magical and fantastical stories all have a different place in the Universe!