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Hey everyone! I really apologize that I have to make this kind of post today, but it's important that I communicate this out to all of you. I have a few rules/guidelines for being a part of my community here on Patreon and by extension, elsewhere. They are outlined in this post. One of the things I talk about in this post is private messaging me. It's in the Q&A: Other section if you can't find it. I don't mind receiving private messages, just know that in most cases I will read them, but won't respond to them. 

Unfortunately, I have just had to block a long-time patron of this space for contacting me privately on a repeated basis over the past week-and-a-half regarding my decided MCU watch order. When I didn't reply to one, they sent another, repeat, until I finally had a breaking point. These messages contained words like "must", "remember to do", "have to", "need to", etc. They also bragged to me about being able to persuade a different YouTube reactor to watch the MCU in a specific way, which made me feel horrible to read. That reactor and I are actually good friends, so I was able to reach out to that person and have a conversation with them and reassure them that they can do as they wish with their channel and videos. If it isn't obvious, this is unacceptable behaviour.

You are always welcome to make suggestions (preferably in public comments on posts) and I may take it into consideration. Please remember that at the end of the day, I am going to be the decider of the route I take with my content. This includes the watch order of series, the frequency of posting videos, if I decide to consume any tie-in media or not, etc. When you do make suggestions to me or any other reactor, please avoid using language that is more forceful in nature, because it is very unpleasant to receive.

Thank you for reading. 💛 This post will be permanently linked in my Guidelines + Info post.

✦ KL



I can't say I'm surprised, but disappointed. I've noticed equally unpleasant behaviours elsewhere with regards to movie polls and that only a specific film should win because "it's the only good movie". People need to relax. It's movies on the internet! My love of Street Fighter the movie is a great example: It'll never appear on anyone's poll (and perhaps rightly so) but that's also not something that's to be taken personally.


I moderate for another reactor, so I've noticed a lot of that behaviour as well and it's mind-blowing. People really need to chill out more. 😅 Thank you for the kind words!


why people tell reactors to watch the mcu in anything other than release order is silly to me... watch them the way the film makers wanted you to