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Things continue to get f'd up. 👀

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With three episodes left in the season, I've decided to share them all next week.


✦ KL




I felt that Simpson's behavior was because he was always more hardcore against Kilgrave because of what he made him do and here it went extreme because he was taking more of that medication than the doctor told him to. He's, like, amplified erratic.

Rat MacKay

Jeri is terrible, BUT...Wendy is kind of a prime example of FAFO. Blackmailing someone who you KNOW to be terrible is a bit like taking all the doors off your house...unwise and dangerous. She had already been threatened by Jessica...and Jeri is a lawyer with lots of money, I'm sure she could have hired someone with fewer morals than Jessica to end her Wendy problem without much trouble. So...while she certainly didn't deserve to end the way she did, she wasn't exactly an innocent. She also knew what Jeri had done and SHOULD have reported her for it long ago. As long as she was reaping the financial and social benefits of it, she didn't feel the need to...but then when she wasn't, she chose to use the info to try to a) hurt Jeri (I mean...fair...but doesn't make her GOOD) and b) secure her own future through tainted means. Honestly, she may have been doing her clinic work as a way to assuage some the guilt from being knowingly involved with someone so terrible...so maybe even her "good" isn't so good. IDK. I think the closest thing the show has to a truly "good" person is Trish.

Rat MacKay

Eesh. Sorry...apparently I'm not on speaking terms with paragraph breaks this morning. Edited some in to give your eyes a place to rest instead of wall o' text.

Nathan Jasper

Simpson somewhere in his subconscious: "Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?" That was fucked up. Doc told him one red pill and he had, what, 3? Never get high on your own supply. It always leads to bad shit. Simpson must have been one of those guys with the "Give war a chance" bumper stickers. On the bright side, Jerry doesn't have to worry about losing her money. But she managed to be so selfish that she lost everything that actually matters. The ending, as tragic as it was, reminded me of two particular things the Green Goblin said and Kilgrave just proves him right. 1. "The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you." - All it took was one grieving person to rally some people together to go attack Jessica. They didn't know the whole story, they didn't have all the facts, all they knew was this person blamed someone and they all followed blindly. 2. "This is why only fools are heroes - because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice. Let die the woman you love or suffer the little children. Make your choice and see how a hero is rewarded!" - Save Hope or save her attackers. Either way it's a losing situation. Save Hope then she'll have to live with the knowledge she let four people die. Save those four people and they'll still look at Jessica as the person that didn't do enough despite the fact Hope made her own choice. How dare she not be able to save everyone? Still blinking tears away writing this after Hope's death. Such a tragic shame.