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Discussing your comments on Jessica Jones 1x07 and 1x08. 🖤

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What We Watched: Week of July 22 [Insiders]

00:00 - Jessica Jones 1x07 06:57 - Jessica Jones 1x08


Nathan Jasper

Something else I thought of while going through this video is that Kilgrave was so excited when people looked at him in admiration after stopping the hostage crisis. So that shows how much he really desires to be praised and be liked, even if he didn't quite realize that until that moment.


About the "You missed this" thing, I think I tend to phrase it as, "I don't know if you caught this, but..." since I know I don't catch everything the first time watching. I love people saying things in the comments that I've missed even if I've watched it multiple times. It's like someone telling me, "Is that your dollar that you're standing on?" I'm like, "Oh, I guess it is now!" 😁 Anyway, lemme know if my phraseology bothers you.


It's okay, I think it's on me to just adjust how I feel about it. 😜