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Hey everyone! Another "surprise" reaction kind of, sort of! This was my first request that came through my Reactr page, courtesy of Bryan Dempsey. Thank you Bryan!

Click here to watchalong with me. I mention this in the intro, but the version I watched is the 2h23m version.

This will be edited for the channel eventually, just not sure when I will fit that in at the moment especially with my recent decision to edit Fallout for the channel. 😅 But this will get on there maybe sometime in the summer!

Please enjoy and I'm looking forward to your comments. ❤️

✦ KL

PS. In the video I say that my Reactr page will now be free for another request, but turns out someone was checking my page and the slot got filled while I was sleeping. 😂



Tyler Foster

FYI, Superman can't read minds. X-ray vision, super strength, flying, but not telepathy!


Christopher Reeve’s portrayal of Superman belongs on the Mount Rushmore of superhero movies along with RDJ and Hugh Jackman. Still my favorite Superman movie ever. Part 2 is a must watch, especially the Donner cut!