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Hey everyone! This is a different kind of post, but it was an idea that came through in my DMs from a patron here!

Chris is curious how everyone got started in their journey of watching reaction videos.

Please share below! This will be really fun for me to read too.

Here's my story:

It was the spring of 2019 and I randomly decided to start watching Game of Thrones for the first time. I knew Season 8 was dropping soon and the hype around it on social media was REAL. 😂 So I started from the beginning and ended up getting hooked in so badly that I binged all 7 seasons in about 3 weeks and finished right before Ep 1 of Season 8 released. And for me it was so fun getting to experience that final season in real-time with everyone else.

When the show was completed, I went on YouTube to start watching videos about it, not reactions because I didn't know those were an actual thing outside of what The Fine Brothers were doing. Through searching or recommendations, I ended up stumbling across Nikki & Steven's channel and their Game of Thrones reactions. Started at Episode 1 and re-watched the entire show through their eyes. It was SO fun for me to not only watch their reactions but listen to their opinion of each episode and what their theories were about what was to come next. We had approached the show pretty differently at times, which I thought was so cool. My life at the time wasn't spent on YouTube all that often, so I didn't stick to watching reactions in general after I was done their GoT reactions.

Fast forward to fall 2021 when I was given the nudge to record myself watching Star Wars for the first time and upload them to YouTube, I had remembered the N&S reactions and how they were formatted, so this was definitely my starting point for my own channel from an editing perspective. Once I started, then that motivated me to search for other reaction channels to see what other people were doing mainly from an editing perspective. And then that's how I found all the channels that I watch today. Cassie at Popcorn in Bed was the first channel I found when I searched for reactions to A New Hope to watch after I put out my own reaction to it. The other channels after are all a blur as to what order I found them in, and I am still subbing to new reaction channels that pop up now.

As for music reactions... I believe this was something that I had found BEFORE movie and TV reactions, but I could not tell you when or where or how. I think these days they kinda just naturally pop up in your recommendations if you've listened to certain music. 😅 I don't watch them a ton anymore, but every so often I'll check out a couple.

Share your story below!

If anyone thinks of another fun question to drum up community discussion like this, please send me a DM! This could be really fun to incorporate here every so often. 😊


✦ KL


Tyler Foster

On October 21st, 2020, the Ghostbusters fan community page Proton Charging posted Ashleigh's first-time reaction to Ghostbusters. I watched that, and then I watched a bunch of her other videos, and I was basically down the rabbit hole. To this day, Ghostbusters is one of the better ways to get me to try a channel for the first time (I'm looking and I've probably at least glanced at a Ghostbusters reaction on at least 15-20 channels, although some I did not continue watching the channel or even finish the video), with less-popular personal favorites also being a trick for getting me to do a double-take and then check out the channel.


I'm glad that I was able to hook you into this community without Ghostbusters then! 😏 I can't remember which reaction it was.

Bryan Dempsey

I didn’t even bother with YouTube except to watch movie trailers until my daughter started watching video game play throughs in 2015/16. I thought she was being ridiculous watching someone else play video games on tv. But she was hogging the tv so I ended up watching too. So she laid the egg that people watch other people in this fashion. I was mostly looking up comic book reviews and analysis. Then I discovered movie critics Jeremy Jahns and Chris Stuckmann which opened the door to video essayists/film analysts like Lindsay Ellis and Patrick H. Willems. I eventually started watching Beyond The Trailer who would watch the trailer live and then give her thoughts, hopes, and expectations of the coming movie. In 2019, YouTube recommended Storm Akima for trailer reactions and she was also doing movie reactions with her sister and mom. Then Holden Hardman was recommended. He was showing his best friend the MCU movies for the first time. And because Google is always watching and listening right after I rewatched Stand By Me YouTube recommended PiB and her reaction to it in 2021. Then the algorithm just started sending me reactors. I’ve watched a lot of reactors once or twice but I prefer some sort of film review in my reactions. Basically my favorite reactors are people I feel like if we worked in the same office I would talk to them about movies in a “water cooler talk” kind of way. The algorithm recommended KL around the time The Dark Knight dropped, I think. But I watched the Star Wars reactions first and became a patron in August of 2022. I occasionally watch Jen Murray or PiB. Still watch Holden Hardman, who now reacts with his wife. I like TBR Schmidt and I just recently started watching Jules Reacts because she is watching Doctor Who. I’ve been turning away algorithm recommendations because I’m a little burned out on all the reactors and can only rewatch these edits so many times. I’m keeping my subs small to those whose opinions and commentary I appreciate hearing. Or seeing,


Awesome! Yeah there are so many reactors now that it is hard to make the time and you end up only watching your faves. Thanks for being here! ☺️