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This is my favourite episode of the show so far! Click here to watchalong with me.

I'm still digging the vibes of this show a lot. The serious, the drama, the dark. It'd be crazy to picture all of Marvel in this format, as I do enjoy a lot of the humour we've seen in the MCU, but also in Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD but... this show feels SO grounded and like the audience for this show can be anyone. What I mean by that is if this had been the very first Marvel thing that I would have watched, I wouldn't have been confused or bored or felt like I would have needed to get greater understanding from watching other things and knowing other characters. I love that this show feels like "just another drama show" but with that sprinkle of comic book spice, you know?

Can't wait to continue and can't wait to talk about it! As always, thank you for watching with me.


✦ KL



Sean Ellingham

All the backstory about Fisk's parents does serve to humanise him, and make him more sympathetic. However, whilst he says he's not like his father (and may even believe it), he's not as different as he might think. Everything about his apartment, and the interactions with others that we've seen (especially with Gao in this episode) shows a deep seeded control streak - he prepares the same breakfast everyday, chooses (essentially) the same clothes everyday (even though he does have other choices), and isn't able to control himself when that control he exerts is threatened. The interesting part is Vanessa, as she's clearly having a big effect on him - Gao calls out that he's becoming emotional, which he obviously wasn't before (at least outwardly), and now the implication is that she is the one who pushes him to reveal himself to the world.


This show is so much better than I could have expected. The way they humanize Fisk in a way I didn't see coming is so interesting. He's such a smart and charismatic guy, and with that and his backstory, it almost feels weird to call him a bad guy, even though he obviously very much is. I can't believe I never watched this show to this point.


Yes, the way they've written Fisk is so good! Definitely a top Marvel villain for me, if not #1 already to be honest.


Vanessa stayed over, I can’t say I blame her 😁 Fisk is a monster, not by nature, but certainly by choices, and who doesn’t love a complicated monster. When I watched this season the first time, I was surprised at how much I liked and enjoyed Wesley as a character. I wouldn’t normally pay much attention to a character like him, especially with Big Vinnie D being such a presence, but Toby Leonard Moore is able to still make an impression and leave me wondering about his character, and history. Particularly in this episode, he seems so real and human. I really enjoy the relationship between Wesley and Fisk. The fact that Wesley understands how to handle Fisk’s rage. He almost takes on a motherly role for Fisk. Being there thru his fits of rage. Cleaning up after. Making things all better. Bringing him something or someone sweet to help calm him. His mother gave him cake, kind words, & understanding. Wesley didn’t back down from Fisk when he saw he was hurting and needed something he couldn’t give him, but that Vanessa could. Toby Leonard Moore does an excellent job of elevating Wesley from what could be a very generic type of role to a fleshed out character, even if we don’t know a lot about his past etc. He humanizes him in an unexpected way and is able to keep the character intriguing to me. It is always refreshing when supporting characters have just as much depth as the leads.