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What a FASCINATING episode. This show truly keeps getting better and better. Click here to watchalong with me.

I'm looking forward to your thoughts! Thanks for taking the time to watch with me. The next episode will be posted shortly.


✦ KL



Andreas Nielsen

Fun fact. The orphanage we saw Stick found Matt in is Saint Agnes - the same orphanage Skye (AoS) was raised in.

Sean Ellingham

Something implied by Stick is that Matt isn't unique - other people like him exist elsewhere in the world. People like Matt and Stick might be rare, but you'd have to assume that Stick (or someone he knows) has encountered others like them (I'm not a comics guy, so I have no idea if there are other similar characters in the wider Marvel universe).


I really enjoyed this episode. I love a good backstory heavy episode. When I first watched it, I was so surprised to see Scott Glenn playing “Stick” I had no idea he was in the show. I grew up watching him in movies in the 80’s & 90’s and always enjoyed his acting. It was crazy to see him in a Marvel show and still playing a bad ass despite being in his 70’s at the time. Dude is 85 now! You would have seen him in Silence of the Lambs he portrayed Jack Crawford, Clarice’s supervisor at the FBI.