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In light of the ongoing mess that is the Ad-pocalypse on Youtube we thought it might be a good time to share our thoughts about Patreon and why we consider it the most important part of our income. 

I wrote about this here before but it might still be interesting to some of you. As always, thank you guys so much for supporting us! It really makes all the difference, especially now as ad revenue on Youtube has become as insecure as it is right now. –Philipp


Why Patreon is the most important part of our income.

Being an independent creator is amazing. Free from corporate structure it enables you to really do what you want to do. Be as politically incorrect as you want, do bizarre stuff no media company...



Happy to support the effort. Keep up the good work👊

Lines of Desire

Its a shame that Patreon is such a great idea but implemented soooooooo poorly as to greatly hamper the user experience.

David Campos

Make a video about the Ad-pocalypse.

Sam Toland

Patreon isn't free? These guys are free and open-source as it happens. <a href="https://gratipay.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gratipay.com/</a>

Kamil Szaladzinski

I might be broke but I'll continue to support. Now more than ever.

Avery Z


Devon Kersten

I wish you guys the best of luck. Your work is to important to stop now^^

Nicolas da Luz Duque

Follow your dreams and make the world a better place! I'm with you, guys! Knowledge is power. Let's give it back to the people!

Carl-Johan Linde

Been watching your videos for many months now and finally decided to start supporting all of your great works of art by Patreon. Keep up the good work! Really appreciate the videos and you always make me learn new awesome stuff. Thank you, Kurzgesagt!

Carlos A Carreno

You guys deserve all our support, keep making the greatest videos!

j. d.

You don't need to find excuses for donations. Your videos should be spread everywhere, even in schools :) Keep doing what you are doing!!!


Are you going to make a video about intersectionality? I think it would be very helpful.


I'll stay a Patron, an avid watcher, and continue to share the videos.