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This video will probably not make everybody happy. Probably for completely opposite reasons. Some people want less political and economic integration, some want more of it. Some want to stop immigration, others want better integration instead. Some want an EU army, others want to disband Nato. And most will have a collection of different opinions about all of that. It’s the same for our team, we don’t all share the same vision for Europe and the world. 

We tried our best to present different sides and view points, while being fair and as neutral as possible. But obviously we can’t go into too much detail in a video that is only 7 minutes long. We also clearly marked where we are stating our opinion. The sources we used are in the video description.

Doing political video is not good for us income wise. Every time we do one we lose a certain amount of Patrons and subscribers. And that is ok I guess because people expect certain things from us. We are not a political channel at the core but we are also not unpolitical.

We really felt a strong need to talk about this topic because of the direction Europe and the US are going in right now. There is so much bad blood and reading and talking about politics has gotten... tiresome. Frustrating. Sad. The fact that we now separate our fellow citizens into enemies and allies and try to crush them in politics is making the world worse. But it does not have to be this way.

The last year has taught us that we have to try our best to get everybody back to the table again and stop screaming at each other. We all could have done a better job at this in the past, Kurzgesagt too. Everybody comes from a different place and has different ideas  where the world should go and how to tackle our problems. 

And as long as we are trying to base our opinions on facts then that is completely fine. In the end we all have to share this planet with each other. This video will be disliked by many, whatever I say or write but I hope it is an ok contribution to the overall discussion. -Philipp


Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It?

Should we double down or give up and go our separate ways? Support us on Patreon so we can make more videos (and get cool stuff in return): https://www.patreon.com/Kurzgesagt?ty=h Kurzgesagt merch here: http://bit.ly/1P1hQIH Get the music of the video here: Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2o940iA Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/2p9SSFR Facebook: http://bit.ly/2o96Yn9 SOURCES: population EU: http://bit.ly/2mMm4Cy GDP EU: http://bit.ly/2ouh1mL largest Market EU: http://bit.ly/1FhL3jv creation of the European Union: http://bit.ly/2cnX6Dg Franco-German Rivalry: http://bit.ly/2nw7uxC easy travel: http://bit.ly/2neE9oT cheap telecommunications: http://bit.ly/1MfZsRZ http://bit.ly/2nUsOKj EU vs.



Awesome video, nice work!


Will you put up official captions? I'm deaf


I came to the EU via The Netherlands 7 years ago. I want the EU to stay together and become more transparent, accessible and united. Individual European countries are very vulnerable on their own. Improving the EU is the only way to the future. Furthermore, EU institutions that take fights against global corporations are a blessing to European customers. Americans who understand this greatly envy this from the EU.


Quality video!


I think we're stronger together


I really appreciate that you guys take a little hit financially in order to say what you think is important. Count me in for all the political videos you can make, regardless of the position taken, as long as they stay fact based and, as this video was, friendly to those who hold another opinion, encouraging discussion rather than adding an angry echo to an echo chamber.

Film Vagabond

I respect that you guys make videos on topics that aren't especially paletable

Oliver Sartun

Haven't watched the video yet, but just wanted to say that I appreciate how reflective and considerate you are in approaching a video like this.


I agree with your opinions in the video. Stronger together! While there are a lot of issues, especially legislative ones, on the whole the EU is better for Europe.

Patrick W. Gilmore

When I read the article, I thought this might not be a great idea. I LOVE Kurzgesagt because you separate fact from fiction and present it well. I thought politics would be a departure. It was not. You gave multiple views, you showed facts, and you presented some opinion clearly stated as opinion. And you picked a timely, important topic that needed some clarification. GREAT JOB. Yet another reason to keep supporting you.

Patrick W. Gilmore

P.S. Note I did not say whether I agreed with your opinion. That is not important to whether I support you. The important part is you kept true to your "ethos", and this is why I am a Patreon.


All the points of why the EU is a good thing are right the problem is that there is a cost involved that the individual countries don't want to pay, sovereignty and culture. Right now the EU seems more like a miniture version of the UN. The members of the EU will have to accept that there will be decisions that they can't opt out of juust because they don't like them. The ruling government has to be elected by the citizens of the meber countries as a whole so it can be representative of its citizens. Personally I think the biggest roadblock is language, what will be the language if the EU be? Or does the modern European have to be fluent in all member languages? Using English would be ironic but couldl you expect the Germans to agree to French and vice versa? Maybe Itallian or Spanish? Will Bavaria have to start taxing its beer etc. Those Erbfeindschaften are still alive and well and I'm pretty sure that they'll die of old age just to be stuffed and mounted on a wall and kept a little longer. Personanlly I'd love to see the EU succeed, I just don't see it happening under the current governments and ideologies.


Although I generally agree with you, I think the end call for a "fact-based discussion" is somewhat disingenuous because you'd be required to make claims based on counterfactuals. For example, one might argue that the economic and political integration of Europe was irrelevant to the era of peace because industrialized nations have generally moved past the era of country-wide wars. The costs are simply too high and the risks too great - European countries would have ceased warring with each other anyway. Now, I can't introduce any facts for that - I can point to the lack of wars among other first-world industrialized countries since WWII but that's not precisely a fact-based argument so much as it is an assertion by analogy and hypothesis.

Edison Franklin

Speaking to the language question, I personally am chagrined that the EU have not given serious consideration to the use of an International Auxiliary Language such as ILo/Esperanto. It might not be the most poetic language, but it is easy to learn and would probably provide enough specificity to enable complex but understandable contracts/treaties. Think of all the savings on translation staff, etc. It also helps prevent privileging people who happen to be native speakers of an arbitrarily chosen lingua Franca.


I believe that globally we will continue to better understand the inter connectivity between all humans and try to come up with methods by which we can continue to survive and thrive on this planet without allowing one person or one county to "sneak" under the radar or "get away" with doing things there own way. I strongly believe in a one world government and feel that we are going in that direction in a hopefully peaceful and intelligent manner. Great video! I also agree that the EU has done a lot of good and that they are strong together (even though I am from the United States)


I like the flawed but improved summation. It is my take on a lot of new progressive programs.


Another well explained and well-produced video. I appreciate the explanation of both sides at a high-level, as well as the clear demarcation​ about where the op-ed began. Well done; keep 'em coming. :)


This video actually gave me an opinion on the matter. Great work guys!


I like the video. No point in me spewing my opinions here on the EU though. Keep up the good work guys, your vids are always well thought out and entertaining to watch!

Hugo van Niekerk

LOVE LOVE LOVE this video. I live in africa and not vested in the polical side of things, the animation for this video (and the last) is fan freakin tastic. well done guys

Rob Stainsbury

Brexit makes me cry almost daily (I'm one of the 49% who voted remain!)